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You Can Make A Difference

Give now to support this innovative program that employs arts-based interventions, engages U-M students, and supports the social emotional healing needs of school age youth.

Bryce The Third

Staff Testimonial: Bryce The Third

“People tend to come in and want to ‘tell’ this particular population ‘what’ to do. Telling It provides them with a space to ‘BE’ which in turn promotes autonomy and self advocacy amongst the participants. 

"I’ve gone into juvenile justice centers with multiple other programs but, in my experience, none have been as effective at getting kids to feel safe and willing to open up quite like Telling It. These kids are embracing embarking upon a journey of emotional transformation unlike anything I’ve ever witnessed. This is absolute essential work!"

Community Partner Testimonials

  • “I feel like it helps out immensely with them (youth) being able to express themselves.” - Ypsilanti Teacher
  • “Last year I did notice a difference in some of the attitudes of the students … I’ll say as the year went on, I think a lot of them felt a lot more comfortable sharing in the classroom because, I think they were so used to not sharing until Telling It.” - Ypsilanti Teacher
  • “I’ve seen a couple come out of their shell. They were just pretty much lost to themselves, like total introverts, but I have seen them come out and, you know, socialize with small groups of different kids. Before most of them would normally be by themselves. Like, at lunch, they would sit by themselves. Now, they sit with maybe a group of two or three others.” - Ypsilanti Teacher
  • “I want to see it (Telling It) grow. I want it to be bigger. Hopefully, we’re gonna have so much space next year to where you can all have your own space and just continue this partnership.” - Ypsilanti Teacher
  • “We need more programs like this for the children. We do.” - Ypsilanti Support Staff

Youth Testimonials

  • “Lots of people should join (Telling It) with mental health problems. This would literally save lives.” - Ypsilanti 8th Grade Student
  • “I like to check in on myself every once in a while and Telling It lets me do that through activities.” - Ypsilanti 8th Grade Student
  • “Telling It is fun, we have freedom of speech without judgment. I really like the service you give out. I can think about what I am going through, and I can tell you all.” - Juvenile Detention Center Youth
  • “I think they should have something like Telling It in high school if they don't already.” - Ypsilanti 8th Grade Student
  • "You all helped while I’m here because normally I’m sad. I wish it’d be a program outside of here when we’re home.” - Juvenile Detention Center Youth
  • “If I were you, I would add all the grades in separate sessions. Make it everyday, come more days, and make it longer.” - Ypsilanti 7th Grade Student