Fostering Student Community Through Peer Review

Constructive and respectful peer review can help students develop personal skills, such as learning to be vulnerable.
by LSA Learning & Teaching Technology Consultants

Developing a supportive and open student culture can foster meaningful learning experiences in our courses where students are eager to learn from each other as well as from faculty. As faculty, you have the power to shape this environment by promoting effective feedback mechanisms and designing scaffolded courses in order to encourage vulnerability, minimize student embarrassment and encourage discovery. This article outlines strategies that can help you achieve these goals through practice, icebreakers, and peer review.

Peer review, a topic we have detailed in past teaching tips, is a valuable tool for academic growth, but its effectiveness hinges on students’ ability to provide and receive constructive feedback. Encouraging a culture where feedback is both honest and supportive is crucial. Provide students with clear, structured guidelines and rubrics for giving and evaluating feedback. These frameworks help ensure that feedback remains focused on specific criteria, such as clarity, argument strength, and evidence. When students understand what to look for, their feedback becomes more targeted and useful.

When starting peer review, it’s vital to teach students how to deliver constructive feedback. Emphasize the importance of balancing positive comments with constructive criticism. For instance, using a “compliment sandwich” approach—where positive feedback precedes and follows a suggestion for improvement—can help students feel more encouraged and less defensive. As faculty, model the kind of feedback you wish to see. During class discussions or in written comments, demonstrate how to provide feedback that is specific, actionable, and compassionate. Your example sets the tone for how students approach peer review.

One of the main barriers to effective peer review is the fear of embarrassment. Students can feel vulnerable sharing their work with peers, and they can feel worried about negative judgment or harsh criticism.  Create a classroom atmosphere where respect and constructive dialogue are the norm. Set ground rules that emphasize respect for all opinions and confidentiality. Communicate that the goal of feedback is mutual improvement, not competition. Help students see that errors are a natural and valuable part of the learning process. Share examples of how mistakes have led to breakthroughs and growth, whether in your personal experiences or well-known historical contexts. This perspective shifts the focus from fear of failure to learning and development. Providing these contexts and guidelines can soothe anxieties that students can feel about sharing their ideas and work.

Constructive and respectful peer review can help students develop personal skills, such as learning to be vulnerable. By repeating the process across an entire course, students will become more comfortable with receiving feedback and providing the same support to their peers. They will be less anxious and more competent about providing targeted feedback in future courses and in their professional lives after college.

Generally, it is a good idea to begin the term with icebreaker activities to build initial rapport among students. Activities that involve sharing personal experiences or working on collaborative tasks can break down social barriers and foster a sense of community. This early bonding is crucial for creating a trusting environment. Integrate reflective exercises where students can discuss their feelings and experiences related to peer review. Guided prompts or journaling activities can help students process their emotions, understand the benefits of vulnerability, and see peer review as a growth opportunity. They can also provide an opportunity to add participation points.

Fostering a culture where students feel comfortable giving and receiving feedback, free from the fear of embarrassment, and learning to be vulnerable through regular practice, icebreakers, and peer review is beneficial for students in the near and long term. As faculty, you have the ability to create this environment through structured training, supportive practices, and empathy. By developing these skills, you not only enhance academic learning but also equip students with interpersonal abilities that will benefit them far beyond the classroom. In such a supportive and open culture, students thrive and grow both as learners and individuals.


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Release Date: 01/23/2025
Category: Learning & Teaching Consulting; Teaching Tips
Tags: Technology Services


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