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SLL COLLOQUIUM: Politics, Theater and Political Theater

Thursday, March 15, 2012
4:00 AM
MLB 2011

presented by Theater Critic John Freedman

John Freedman has written or edited nine books about Russian drama and theater and has been the theater critic of The Moscow Times since 1992. His play translations—including those of Maksym Kurochkin—have been performed in the United States, Australia and Canada, and published in numerous anthologies and journals. He is the Russian director of The New Russian Drama: Translation / Production / Conference (2007-2010), a project hosted by Towson University (Baltimore, MD) and Philip Arnoult’s Center for International Theater Development (CITD). Freedman previously appeared at CUNY in 2008 with Kama Ginkas and in 2009 with Olga Mukhina.