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Sponsoring Departments

Department of Classical Studies

The Department of Classical Studies has been making a significant contribution to academic life at the University of Michigan since the University's founding in 1817. Internationally renowned for its scholarly excellence, its graduate programs, and its collections of antiquities and of papyri, the Department is also deeply committed to the education of undergraduates at the University. The Department expanded its scope when it collaborated with the Comparative Literature Program to apply for a faculty position in Modern Greek. The Department houses the Modern Greek Chair and its staff. The person holding the Modern Greek Chair is a regular member of the Department faculty.

Department of Comparative Literature

Comparative Literature was established in 1937 as the first interdepartmental graduate program at the University of Michigan. In 1984, the Program in Comparative Literature expanded to include the undergraduate concentration. The concentration grew out of student needs and requests to study together two or more different languages and literatures. The comparative study of literatures adds new perspectives to language study and enhances the appreciation of the study of national literatures. The Modern Greek Chair participates fully in the Program and works closely with its undergraduate and graduate students.