gbocca@umich.eduOffice Information:
4145 Thayer, 1608
phone: 734.763.1595
My research focuses on Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins. I have published numerous books and articles on the subject, that have been traslated into several languages other than English, including Italian, German, Portuguese, Korean, Hungarian, and Chinese. I am also interested in contemporary Jewish-Italian Studies, with special emphasis on the Italian Holocaust.
In 2001 I founded and has directed ever since the Enoch Seminar, an international organization - affiliated to the Society of Biblical Literature - tha is devoted to the study of Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins. The series of international events organized by the Enoch Seminart have attracted hundreds of scholars from all around the world.
In 2009 I created 4 Enoch: The Online Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism (www., which has expanded, year after after, with thousands of visitors per months.
In 2018, on occasion of my 60th birthday, my former students and colleagues, J. Harold Ellens, Isaac W. Oliver, Jason von Ehrenkrook, James Waddell and Jason M. Zurawski, presented me a Festschrift: Wisdom Poured Out Like Water Studies on Jewish and Christian Antiquity in Honor of Gabriele Boccaccini. The volume, published by Walter De Gruyter in the series Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies (38), includes more than 40 contributions from international scholars.
In 2018 I was awarded the title of "Cavaliere dell'Ordine della Stella d'Italia (Knight of the Order of the Star of Italy)" by the President of Italy Sergio Matterella for my contribution to the "preservation and promotion of national prestige abroad."
* {en} Wisdom Poured Out Like Water: Studies on Jewish and Christian Antiquity in Honor of Gabriele Boccaccini, ed. J. Harold Ellens, Isaac W. Oliver, Jason von Eherkrook, James Waddell, and Jason Zurawski (Berlin: DeGruyter, 2018)
== English ==
<5> {en} Paul's Three Paths to Salvation (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2020) -- Translated into Italian (2021), Korean (2023), and Chinese (2024).
<4> {en} Roots of Rabbinic Judaism: An Intellectual History, from Ezekiel to Daniel (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2001) -- Translated into Italian (2003), and German (2014).
<3> {en} Beyond the Essene Hypothesis: The Partings of the Ways between Qumran and Enochic Judaism (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998) -- Translated into Italian (2002), and Portuguese (2010).
<2> {en} Portraits of Middle Judaism, 300 BCE-200 CE, in Scholarship and the Arts: A Multimedia Catalog from Flavius to the Present (Turin, Zamorani, 1992).
<1> {en} Middle Judaism: Jewish Thought, 300 BCE-200 CE (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1991) -- Translated into Italian (1993).
== Italian ==
<7> {it} (con Giulio Mariotti), Paolo di Tarso, un ebreo del suo tempo. (Roma: Carocci, 2025)
<6> {it} Montespertoli che salvo' gli ebrei, 1943-44. Storie delle famiglie Sonnino, Milani, Manni e Pick in un comune della Toscana (Firenze: Leonardo Libri, 2024)
<5> {it} Le tre vie di salvezza di Paolo l'ebreo (Torino: Claudiana, 2021) -- Revised Italian ed. of Paul's Three Paths to Salvation (2020)
<4> {it} (with Piero Stefani), Dallo stesso grembo. Le origini del cristianesimo e del giudaismo rabbinico (Bologna: Dehoniane, 2012)
<3> {it} I giudaismi del Secondo Tempio (Brescia: Morcelliana, 2003) -- Revised Italian ed. of Roots of Rabbinic Judaism (1998)
<2> {it} Oltre l'ipotesi essenica (Brescia: Morcelliana, 2002) -- Revised Italian ed. of Beyong the Essene Hypothesis (1998)
<1> {it} Il medio giudaismo (Genova: Marietti, 1993) -- Revised Italian ed. of Middle Judaism (1991)
Edited volumes
<17> {en} Torah: Functions, Meanings, and Diverse Manifestations in Early Judaism and Christianity, ed. William Schniedewind, Jason Zurawski, and Gabriele Boccaccini (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2022).
<16> {en} A Guide to Early Jewish Texts and Traditions in Christian Transmission, ed. Alexander Kulik, Gabriele Boccaccini, et al. (New York: University of Oxford Press, 2019).
<15> {en} The Early Reception of Paul the Second Temple Jew: Text, Narrative and Reception History, ed. Isaac W. Oliver, and Gabriele Boccaccini (London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2019).
<14> {en} Reading the Gospel of John's Christology as Jewish Messianism: Royal, Prophetic, and Divine Messiahs, ed. Benjamin E. Reyolds, and Gabriele Boccaccini (Leiden: Brill, 2018).
<13> {en} Second Temple Jewish Paideia in Context, ed. Jason M. Zurawski, and Gabriele Boccaccini (Berlin: deGruyter, 2017).
<12> {en} Enoch and the Synoptic Gospels: Reminiscences, Allusions, Intertextuality, ed. Loren T. Stuckenbruck, and Gabriele Boccaccini (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2016).
<11> {en} Paul the Jew: Rereading the Apostle as a Figure of Second Temple Judaism, ed. Gabriele Boccaccini, and Carlos A. Segovia (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2016).
<10> {en} The Seleucid and Hasmonean Periods and the Apocalyptic Worldwiew, ed. Lester L. Grabbe, and Gabriele Boccaccini (London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2016).
<9> {en} Interpreting 4 Ezra and 2 Baruch: International Studies, ed. Gabriele Boccaccini, and Jason M. Zurawski (London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2014).
<8> {en} 4 Ezra and 2 Baruch: Reconstruction after the Fall, ed. Matthias Henze, and Gabriele Boccaccini (Leiden: Brill, 2013).
<7> {en} New Perspectives on 2 Enoch: No Longer Slavonic Only, ed. Andrei A. Orlov, and Gabriele Boccaccini (Leiden: Brill, 2012).
<6> {en} Enoch and the Mosaic Torah: The Evidence of Jubilees, ed. Gabriele Boccaccini, and Giovanni Ibba (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2009).
<5> {en} Enoch and the Messiah Son of Man: Revisiting the Book of Parables, ed. Gabriele Boccaccini (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2007).
<4> {en} The Early Enoch Literature, ed. Gabriele Boccaccini, and John J. Collins (Leiden: Brill, 2007).
<3> {it} Il messia tra memoria e attesa, ed. Gabriele Boccaccini (Brescia: Morcelliana, 2005).
<2> {en} Enoch and Qumran Origins: New Light on a Forgotten Connection, ed. Gabriele Boccaccini (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2005).
<1> {en} The Origins of Enochic Judaism: Proceedings of the First Enoch Seminar (University of Michigan, Sesto Fiorentino, June 19-23, 2001), ed. Gabriele Boccaccini (Turin: Zamorani, 2002).
= 2024 =
* {en} A Case for Historical Fiction: Its Contribution to the Study of Second Temple Judaism [forthcoming]
= 2023 =
* {it} Alle origini del dialogo ebraico-cristiano in Italia: note storiche, Studi Ecumenici 41.3-4 (luglio-dicembre 2023), 707-731.
* {en} Paul's Non-Supersessionist Theology, in Covenant and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Kinzer, ed. Jonathan Kaplan, Jennifer Rosner, and David Rudolph (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2023)
* {en} Justification and Salvation in Paul and Acts: A Reading within Second Temple Judaism, in Receptions of Paul during the First Two Centuries, ed. Frantisek Abel (Lanham: Lexington/Fortress, 2023)
* {en} Earliest Enoch Commentaries before Laurence: Pompeo Sarnelli (1710) and Daniele Manin (1820), in Rediscovering Enoch? The Ancient Jewish Past from the 15th to 19th Century, ed. A. Hessayon, A. Yoshiko Reed, and G. Boccaccini (Leiden: Brill, 2023).
= 2022 =
* {en} Torah and Apocalypticism in the Second Temple Period, in ''Torah: Functions, Meanings, and Diverse Manifestations in Early Judaism and Christianity'', ed. Schniedewind, Zurawski, Boccaccini (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2022), 229-247.
* {en} Italian Scholarship on Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins, from the Renaissance to the Twentieth Century, in Fountains of Wisdom: In Conversation with James H. Charlesworth, ed. Gerbern Oegema, Henry Rietz, and Loren Stuckenbruck (London: T&T Clark, 2022), 501-514.
= 2021 =
* {it} La "teologia della sostituzione" e gli insegnamenti di Paolo, "SeFer" 176 (Oct-Dec 2021), 3-5.
* {it} Daniel, in ''Bibbia dell'Amicizia'', ed. Marco Cassuto Morselli and Giulio Michelini (Cinisello Balsamo, Milano: Edizioni San Paolo, 2021), 96-104.
* {it} La tradizione enochica: protologia ed escatologia, Filosofia e Teologia 1 (2021), 15-32
* {en} Protology and Eschatology in the Enochic Traditions, in Eschatology in Antiquity: Forms and Functions, ed. Hilary Marlow, Karla Pollmann, and Helen Van Noorden (London: Routledge, 2021), 171-183.
* {en} What Does the Forgiving Jesus Have to Do with the Unforgiving Enoch? Forgiveness of Sins in the Enochic Traditions, in Torah, Temple, Land : Constructions of Judaism in Antiquity, ed. Markus Witte, Jens Schröter, and Verena M. Lepper (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2021), 157-172.
* {en} Jewish Scholarship on the Second Temple Period: From the Renaissance to Albert I. Baumgarten, in Social History of the Jews in Antiquity, ed. Michal Bar-Asher Siegal and Jonathan Ben-Dov (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2021), 3-20.
1991 Ph.D., Judaic Studies, University of Turin, Italy.
1987-91 Graduate seminars on Early Judaism, Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, and Christian Origins, Department of Oriental Studies, University of Turin, Italy.
1988 Graduate seminars on Hellenistic Philosophy, Phoenicians and Ancient Jewish Thought, Graduate School of Philosophical Studies, Naples, Italy.
1988 Graduate seminar on Rabbinic Judaism, Humanities Division, University of Bologna, Italy.
1983 "Laurea in Lettere" (Master of Arts), Church History, University of Florence, Italy.
1976-83 Courses and Seminars on Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Aramaic, Hellenistic History and Philosophy, Church History, New Testament, and Christian Origins; Humanities Division, University of Florence.
1976-80 Courses on OT and NT Exegesis, and Christian Theology, Florence Theological Seminary (an affiliate of the Pontifical Gregorian University), Florence, Italy.
1976 Maturita'Classica, Classical Studies, Dante Alighieri Lyceum, Florence, Italy.
2002-present Professor of New Testament and Second Temple Judaism, Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan.
2000-present Visiting Professor, BIBLIA, Italy.
1999-present Visiting Professor, Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism, Detroit, MI.
1999-2002 Assistant Professor of New Testament and Second Temple Judaism, Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan.
1992-1999 Adjunct Professor of New Testament and Second Temple Judaism, Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan.
1995 Spring Visiting Associate Professor of Second Temple Judaism, Ecumenical Theological Seminary, Detroit, MI.
1994 Fall The Louis and Helen Padnos Visiting Professor of Judaic Studies, Frankel Center for Judaic Studies, University of Michigan.
1992 Spring Visiting Associate Professor of New Testament, Waldensian Faculty of Theology, Rome, Italy.
1990 Jan.-Jul. Visiting Scholar, Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, N.J.
1989 Jan.-May Visiting Scholar, Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, N.J.
1987-1992 Researcher and Lecturer in New Testament and Judaic Studies, University of Turin, Italy.
1983-1987 Professor of Religion, Lyceum of International Languages, Florence, Italy.
1987- Henoch (a Journal of Judaic Studies), edited by the University of Turin, Italy. Member of the Editorial Office (1987-89), and then of the Board of Directors (since Jan. 1996).
1987- Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana (a Journal-Christian Studies), edited by the Italian Council of Christians and Jews, Florence, Italy. Member of the Editorial Board and Board of Directors.
1981-1982 Testimonianze (a Journal of Theological Studies), edited by the Badia Fiesolana, Florence, Italy. Member of the Editorial Board.
1999- Recipient of an LSA Excellence in Education Award.
1994- The Louis and Helen Padnos Visiting Professorship of Judaic Studies, Frankel Center for Judaic Studies, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
1992- Winner of the "Borsa di Studio Post-Dottorato" (The Post-Doctoral Grant) at the University of Turin, Italy.
1987- Best of the three annual winners of the National Italian Contest for the "Dottorato di Recerca in Ebraistica' (The Italian Doctoral Grant in Judaic Studies).
1983- "Laurea in Lettere" (M.A.) summa cum laude.
1976- "Maturita Classica" (B.A.) summa cum laude.
1971- Receiving the prize "La Pagella Migliore" (The Best Report) as one of the most distinguished students in the region of Tuscany, Italy.
1971- Chosen to serve in the five-member Selection Committee of the Annual Literary Contest "Il Bancarellino" awarding the best children's book written in Italy (Live National TV Coverage).
Translations and Edited Works
James H. Charlesworth, Gli Pseudepigrafi dell'Antico Testamento e il Nuovo Testamento. Prolegomena allo studio delle origini cristiane, revised edition of The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha and the New Testament: Prolegomena for the Study of Christian Origins (Cambridge, 1985), edited and translated from English into Italian by G. Boccaccini (Paideia: Brescia, 1990).
"I cattolici e la vita pubblica in Italia (1815-1976)" (The Catholics and the Political Life in Italy (1815-1976), (B.A. Thesis of Honor, Dante Alighieri Lyceum, Florence, Italy, 1976), (Italian).
"Le doppie verit?. La stampa cattolica e gli euromissili" (Double-Speak: How the Catholic Press has Reacted to the Installation of Nuclear Weapons in Italy), Politica e Societ? 5.2 (1980) 47-49 (Italian).
"La settimana ecumenica a La Mendola" (The La Mendola conference of the Italian Ecumenical Association), Testimonianze 23.9-10 (1980) 54-56 (Italian).
"Coscienza cristiana e consigli di quartiere. Riflessioni in margine alla Gaudium et Spes" (A Catholic in a District Council: My Experience in Light of the Gaudium et Spes), Il Focolare 40.10 (1980) 4-5 (Italian).
"Famiglia ed evangelizzazione: bilancio di un sinodo" (Family and Evangelization: The Recent Synod of the Catholic Church), (with Ernesto Balducci), Testimonianze 23.12 (1980) 3-8 (Italian).
"Pace e disarmo: Il Convegno di 'Bozze' a Torino" (Peace and Disarmament: The Turin Conference of the Journal 'Bozze'), Testamonianze 24.1-2 (1981) 71-73 (Italian).
"L'Interpretazione di Gen 1:26 in Filone Alessandrino (The Interpretation of Gen 1:26 in Philo of Alexandria)," in A Immagine di Dio Lo Creo, ed. Innocenzo Gargano (with Sante Babolin, Giacomo Binnella, Gabriele Boccaccini, Martin Cunz, Ysabel de Andia, and Miriam Viterbi-BenHorin) ("Quaderni di Vita Monastica"; Camaldoli, 1982) 33-41.
"Il Concetto di Memoria in Filone Alessandrino" (Memory as a Philosophical and Religious Concept in Philo of Alexandria), Annali dell'Istituto di Filosofia 6 (1984) 1-19.
"Il Tema Della Memoria in Giuseppe Flavio" (The Concept of Memory in Flavius Josephus), Henoch 6 (1984) 147-163.
"Il valore memoriale dell'atto eucaristico alla luce della tradizione giudaica" (The Memorial Value of Eucharist in the Light of the Jewish Tradition), in Ges? Ebreo, ed. Innocenzo Gargano (with Gabriele Boccaccini, Pier Cesare Bori, Martin Cunz, Alberto Mello, Paolo Sacchi, Lea Sestierei, Miriam Viterbi-BenHorin, and Ida Zatelli) ("Quaderni di Vita monastica," Camaldoli, 1984) 104-117 (Italian).
"I matrimoni tra credente e non credente" (Marriage Between a Believer and a Non-Believer),(with Aloma Bardi), in Ecumenismo Anni 80, della XXI Sessions di formazione ecumenica organizzata dal S.A.E. (La Mendola, Trento, 29 luglio - 6 agosto 1983), ed. Maria Vingiani (Il Segno: Verona, 1984) 266-268 (Italian).
"Il tema della memoria nell'ebraismo e nel giudaismo antico" (The Concept of Memory in Ancient Israel), Henoch 7 (1985) 165-192 (Italian).
"Il valore della verginit? in Filone Alessandrino<" (The Significance of Virginity in Philo of Alexandria), in La verginit? cristiana, ed. Enzo Bianchi (with Gabriele Boccaccini, Antonio Bonora, Ysabelle De Andia, Lorenzo De Lorenzi, Rinaldo Fabris, Innocenzo Gargano, S. Jeanne d'Arc, Louis Leloir, Salvatore A. Panimolle, Ignace de la Potterie, Emanuela Prinzivalli, Gianfranco Ravasi, Jacgueline des Rochettes, Giulia Sfameni-Gasparro, Mario Spinelli, Ugo Vanni, Tecle Vetrali, and Stefano Virgulin) ("Parola Spirito e Vita" 12; Dehoniane: Bolgna, 1985) 217-227 (Italian).
"Il dibattito sul valore salvifico della Torah nel I sec." (The Debate on the Salvific Value of the Torah in First-Century Judaism), in Il dono della Torah, ed. Innocenzo Gargano (with Gabriele Boccaccini, Paolo de Benedetti, Carmine Di Sante, Jacqueline Genot, Lea Sestieri, Piero Stefani, and Mirjam Viterbi-Benhorin) (Quaderni di Vita Monastica; Camaldoli, 1985) 112-119 (Italian).
"Il dialogo ebraico-cristiano e le provocazioni del mondo giovanile" (The Jewish-Christian Dialogue: Challenges from the New Generation), in Il dialogo ebraico-cristiano oggi, ed. Innocenzo Gargano ("Quaderni di Vita Monastica" 44; Camaldoli, 1986) 63-64 (Italian).
"Origine del male, liberta dell'uomo e retribuzione nella Sapienza di Ben Sira" (The Origin of Evil, Human Freedom, and the Principle of Retribution in the Wisdom of Sirach), Henoch 8 (1986) 1-37 (Italian).
"Annuario degli incontri ebraico-cristiani in Italia, 1986-87" (Year-Book of the Jewish-Christian Dialogue in Italy), "Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana" 22 (1987) 24-32 (Italian).
"Prospettive universalistiche nel Tardo Giudaismo" (Universalistic perspectives in Early Judaism), in Testimoni fino all'estremit? della terra, ed. Alfio Filippi (with Giuseppe Barbaglio, Augusto Barbi, Gabriele Boccaccini, Antonio Bonora, Benedetto Calati, Francesca Cocchini, Innocenzo Gargano, Giuseppe Giberti, Emanuela Ghini, Mauro L?coni, Salvatore A. Panimolle, Mauro Pesce, Ignace de la Potterie, Gianfranco Ravasi, Horacio Simian-Yofre, Joseph Shih, Stefano Virgulin, and Marcello Zago) (Parola Spirito e Vita 16; Dehoniane: Bologna, 1987) 81-89 (Italian).
"E' Daniele un testo apocalittico? Una (ri)definizione del pensiero del Libro di Daniele in rapporto al Libro dei sogni e all'apocalittica" (Is Daniel an Apocalyptic Document? A (Re-)Definition of Daniel's Thought in Relation to Dream Visions and Apocalyptic Tradition), Henoch 9 (1987) 267-302 (Italian).
"Seminario di Jacob Neusner a Bologna (13-16 marzo 1988" (Seminar of Jacob Neusner in Bologna (March 13-16, 1988)), Rivisto Biblica 36 (1988) 535-536 (Italian).
"Ebrei e cristiani in dialogo" (Jews and Christians I Dialogue), ToscanaOggi 6 (April 3, 1988), (Italian).
"Intervista a Ray Elio Toaff" (An Interview with Ray Elio Toaff, Chief-Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Rome), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 23 (1988) 3-5 (Italian).
"Convegno primaverile del SAI" (The Spring Meeting of the Italian Ecumenical Association), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 23 (1988) 32, and ToscanaOggi 6 (May 8, 1988), (Italian).
"Annuario degli incontri ebraico-cristiani in Italia, 1987-1988" (Year-Book of the Jewish-Christian Dialogue in Italy), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 23 (1988) 27-40 (Italian).
"Ancora un passo in avanti nel rapporto di amicizia tra ebrei e cristiani" (A New Step in the Jewish-Christian Dialogue in Italy), ToscanaOggi 7 (Jan. 8, 1989) (Italian).
"Le Chiese cristiane e il loro nuovo atteggiamento nei confronti dell'ebraismo" (The New Attitude of Christian Churches toward Judaism), Amicizia Ebraico-Christiana 24 (1989) 22-26 (Italian).
"Annuario degli incontri ebraico-cristiani in Italia, 1988-89" (Year-Book of the Jewish-Christian Dialogue in Italy), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 24 (1989) 90-99 (Italian).
"Indici" (A Guide to Subject Matter), in Apocrifi dell'Antico Testamento (The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha in Italian), ed. Paolo Sacchi (with Paolo Bettiolo, Gabriele Boccaccini, Mario Enrietti, Maurizio Lana, Paolo Marrassini, and Liliana Rosso-Ubigli), vol. 2 (UTET: Turin, 1989) (Italian).
"La rescoperta cristiana dell'ebraismo" (The Christian Rediscovery of Judaism), Il Nostro Tempo 45.2 (Jan. 14, 1990)(Italian).
"La sfida della reciprocit?" (The Christian Rediscovery of Judaism), Il Nostro Tempo 45.3 (Jan. 21, 1990) (Italian).
"A proposito di un articolo su Franz Werfel, Occorre rispettare l'altro per quello che ?" (concerning an Article on Franz Werfel: No Dialogue without Respect) with Emanuele Viterbo, ToscanaOggi 8.36 (Oct. 14, 1990) Italian.
"Ebrei e cristiani nell'Est europeo" (Jews and Christians in Eastern Europe), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 25 (1990) 104-106 (Italian).
"Annuario degli incontri ebraico-cristiani in Italia, 1989-90" (Year-Book of the Jewish-Christian Dialogue in Italy), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 25 (1990) 107-112 (Italian).
"Ebrei e israeliani: una distinzione necessaria" (Jews and Israelis: A Necessary Distinction), ToscanaOggi 9.6 (Feb. 10, 1991), and Fedelt? 16.1 (1991) 7-8 (Italian).
"Conoscersi e l'antidoto ad ogni antisemitismo, Intervista a Ray Umberto Sciunnach" (Mutual Knowledge as a Remedy against Anti-Semitism: An Interveiw with Ray Umberto Sciunnach, Chief-Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Florence), ToscanaOggi 9.2 (Jan. 13, 1991) (Italian).
"Il Sinodo della Chiesa Fiorentina" (The Synod of the Catholic Church of Florence), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 26 (1991) 57-59 (Italian).
"La Sapienza dello Pseudo-Aristea" (The Wisdom of Pseudo-Aristeas), in Biblische und judaistische Studien: Festschrift f?r Paolo Sacchi, ed. Angelo Vivian (Lang: Frankfurt, 1991) 143-176 (Italian).
"Jewish Apocalyptic Tradition: The Contribution of Italian Scholarship", in John J. Collins and James H. Charlesworth, eds., Mysteries and Revelations: Apocalyptic Studies since the Uppsala Colloquium (Sheffield: Academy Press, 1991) 38-58.
"Intervista al Cardinal Silvano Piovanelli" (An Interview with Cardinal Silvano Piovanelli, Arch-Bishop of Florence), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 27 (1992) 74-77, and Firenze Ebraica 5.4 (1992) 22-26 (Italian).
"Da Gerusalemme a Roma. Le radici giudaiche dell'universalismo paolino" (From Jerusalem to Rome: The Jewish Roots of Pauline Universalism), Parole di Vita, 37 (1992) 326-332 (Italian).
"Ebrei e cristiani sono fratelli gemelli. A proposito di un saggio di Alan F. Segal" (Jews and Christians are Twins: Comments on an Article by Alan F. Segal), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 28 (1993) 77-78 (Italian).
"Middle Judaism and Its Contemporary Interpreters: Methodological Foundations for the Study of Judaisms, 300 BCE to 200 CE," Henoch 15 (1993) 207-34.
"La nuova frontiera del dialogo" (New Perspectives in the Jewish-Christian Dialogue), Firenze Ebraica 7 (1994) 7-11 (Italian).
"Le benedizioni e le maledizioni nell'apocalittica giudaica" (Blessing and Cursing in the Jewish Apocalyptic Tradition), in Dizionario di Spiritualita Biblico-Patristica. Vol. 7: Beatitudine-Benedizione-Maledizione, ed. Salvatore A. Panimolle (with Gabriele Boccaccini, Filippo Carcione, Mario Cimosa, Carmine Di Sante, Rinaldo Fabris, Mario Girardi, Pietro Meloni, Adrien Nocent, Carlo Tibiletti, and Ugo Vanni) (Borla: Breschia, 1994) 77-84 (Italian).
"Il popolo di Dio nei giudaismi di et? ellenistico-romana" (The People of God in the Judaisms of the Hellenistic-Roman Period), in Dizionario di Spiritualit? Biblico-Patristica. Vol. 8: Chiesa-Comunit?-Popolo di Dio," ed. Salvatore A. Panimolle (with Adam Bandura, Gabriele Boccaccini, Antonio Bonato, Paolo Carrara, Rinaldo Fabris, Felice Montagnini, Elio Peretto, Ann Penati-Bernardini, Alessandra Pollastri, Marco Rizzi, Giuseppe Sgherri, and Tecle Vetrali) (Borla: Brescia, 1994) 52-62 (Italian).
"1882: Cesare Olivetti e la traduzione italiana del David Deronda di George Eliot" (1882: Cesare Olivetti and the Italian Translation of George Eliot's David Deronda), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 30 (1995) 141-45 (Italian).
"Multiple Judaisms," Bible Review 11.1 (Feb 1995) 38-41, 46.
"La figura di Davide nei giudaismi di et? ellenistico-romana" (David in the Judaisms of the Hellenistic-Roman Period), Davide: modelli biblici e prospettive messianiche. Atti dell'VIII Convegno di studi veterotestamentari (Seiano, 13-15 settembre 1993)," ed. Gian Luigi Prato (with Giovanni Bettenzoli, Gabriele Boccaccini, Innocenzo Cardellini, Mario Cimosa, Giovanni Garbini, Roberto Gelio, Elio Jucci, Pierfelice Taglicarne, and Milka Ventura-Avanzinelli) ("Ricerche-Storico Bibliche" 7.1; Dehoniane: Bologna, 1995) 175-85 (Italian).
"Testi apocalittici coevi all'Apocalisse di Giovanni" (Late First-Century Jewish Apocalypses), in Apocalittica e origini cristiane. Atti del V. convegno di Studi Neotestamentari (Seiano, 15-18 settembre 1993), ed. Romano Penna (with Gabriele Boccaccini, Claudio Doglio, Rinaldo Fabris, Vittorio Fusco, Edmondo Lupieri, Enrico Norelli, and Paolo Sacchi) ("Ricerche Storico-Bibliche" 7.2; Dehoniane: Bologna, 1995) 151-161 (Italian).
"History of Judaism: Its Periods in Antiquity," in Judaism in Late Antiquity, ed. Jacob Neusner (with Alan J. Avery-Peck, Gabriele Boccaccini, Bruce D. Chilton, James D.G. Dunn, Paul Flesher, Johnathan A. Goldstein, Lester Grabbe, William S. Green, Itamar Gruenwald, Lawrence Hoffman, Johann Maier, Gary G. Porton, G?nter Stemberger, and James F.Strange) (2 vols.; Brill: Leiden, 1995) 2:279-302.
"Targum Neofiti as a Proto-Rabbinic Document: A Systemic Analysis," in M. McNamara and D.R.G. Beattie, eds., The Aramaic Bible: Targums in Their Historical Context. Proceedings of the Dublin Conference in Targumic Studies, Held at the Irish National Academy (Dublin, July 1992) (Sheffield: Academic Press, 1995) 260-69.
"The Pre-existence of the Torah: A Commonplace in Second Temple Judaism, or a Later Rabbinic Development?," Henoch 17 (1995) 329-350.
"O.J. Simpson, Louis Farrakhan e il nuovo antisemitismo americano" (O.J. Simpson, Louis Farrakhan, and the New American Anti-Semitism), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 31 (1996) 25-33 (Italian).
"Il Dio unico, Padre e Creatore, nel giudaismo di et? ellenistico-romana," (The Only God, Father and Maker, in Judaism of the Hellenistic-Roman Period), in Dizionario di Spiritualit? Biblico-Patristica. Vol 10: Dio-Signore nella Bibbia, ed. Salvatore a. Panimolle (with Gabriele Boccaccini, Mario Cimosa, Giovanni Deiana, Carmine Di Sante, and Claudio Doglio) (Borla: Brescia, 1996) 102-121 (Italian).
"Dallo straniero come categoria sociale allo straniero come problema religioso: alle radici dell'universalismo cristiano e rabbinico" (The Roots of Christian and Rabbinic Universalism in Second Temple Judaism), in Lo straniero nella Bibbia, aspetti Storici, istituzionali e teologici (XXXIII Settimana Biblica Nazionale), ed. Innocenzo Cardellini ("Ricerche Storico-Bibliche' 8.1-2: Dehonianie, Bologna. 1996)163-172 (Italian).
"Tra Predeterminismo e responsabilit? umana. Riflessioni sul concetto di elezione nel giudaismo medio" (Predeterminism vs. Human Responsibility: The Early Jewish Debate), in Dizionario di Spiritualit? Biblico-Patristica. Vol. 15: Elezione-Vocazione-Predestinazione, ed. Salvatore A. Panimolle (Borla: Roma, 1997) 51-66 (Italian).
"E se l'essenismo fosse il movimento enochiano? Una nuova ipotesi circa il rapporto tra Qumran e gli esseni" (Should the Essenes and the Enochians Be Identified? A New Hypothesis on the Relationship between Qumran and the Essenes), in Qumran e le origini cristiane. Atti del VI Convegno di Studi Neotestamentari (L'Aquila, 14-17 settembre 1995), ed. Romano Penna (with Gabriele Boccaccini, Florentino Garcia Martinez, Claudio Gianotto,k Edmondo Lupieri, Cesare Marcheselli-Casale, Aldo Magris, Enrico Norelli, Romano Penna, Paolo Sacchi, and Giuseppe Segalla ("Ricerche Storico-Bibliche" 9.2; Dehoniane: Bologna, 1997) 49-67 (Italian).
"Il banchetto escatologico nei documenti del giudaismo medio" (The Messianic Banquet in the Literature of Middle Judaism), Dizionario di Spiritualita Biblico-Patristica, ed. Salvatore A. Panimolle (Borla: Roma, (1998)) 72-81 (Italian).
"The Current State of Dead Sea Scrolls Research," Jewish Book News (Aug 6, 1998) 34-37.
"Esiste una letteratura farisaica del Secondo Tempio?" (Is There a Pharisaic Literature of the Second Temple?) Recerche Storio-Bibliche 11.2 (1999) 23-41 (Italian).
"Belial; Elephantine Papyri; High Priest; Targum," in Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, ed. David N. Freedman (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2000).
"The Origins of Qumran in Light of the Enoch Groups," in The Hebrew Bible and Qumran, ed. James H. Charlesworth (N. Richland Hills: Bibal, 2000) 63-92.
"La rottura fra Sinagoga e Chiesa: uno scisma dall'interno del giudaismo tra il I e il II secolo?" (The Parting of the Ways between the Synagogue and the Church: A Schism within Judaism of the I-II cent. CE?), in Grandi scismi nella storia della Chiesa, ed. Mario Degli Innocenti (with Guiseppe Ruggieri, Franco Buzzi, Paolo Ricca, Riccardo Burigana, Vittorio Peri, Amos Luzzatto, Gabriele Boccaccini, Nina Kauchtschichwili) (Milan: Ancora, 2000) 111-132 (Italian).
"The Solar Calendars of Daniel and Enoch," in The Book of Daniel: Composition and Reception, ed. John J. Collins and Peter W. Flint, 2 vols. (Leiden: Brill, 2001) 2:311-328.
"Farisei: ipocriti o maestri?" (The Pharisees: Hypocrites or Sages?), and "Paolo ebreo" (Paul the Jew), in Ebrei e cristiani alle origini delle divisioni (Jews and Christians: At the Roots of their Division), ed. Ernesto Riva, Stefano Rosso and Emilia Turco (with Gabriele Boccaccini, Paolo De Benedetti, Lea Sestieri, and Piero Stefani) (Turin: AEC-Torino, 2001) 1-22 and 39-55 (Italian).
"Bielorussia Ebraica: Appunti ed impressioni di viaggio" (A Journey to Jewish Belarus), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana, 38 (2002) 8-21 (Italian).
Translations from English into Italian
Leonard Swidler, "I dieci comandamenti del dialogo" (The Dialogue Decalogue), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 24 (1989) 59-64.
Leon Klenicki, "Verso una comprensione ebraica del cristianesimo" (Toward a Jewish Understanding of Christianity), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 25 (1990) 64-69.
Alan F. Segal, "I figli di Rebecca, Giudaismo e cristianesimo sono fratelli gemelli' (Rebecca's Children: Judaism and Christianity as Twins), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana (1992) 3-6.
James H. Charlesworth, "L'ebraicit? di Ges?: nuove testimonianze archaeologiche e documentarie" (Jesus' Jewishness: New Evidence from History and Archaeology), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 28 (1993) 6-18.
Hayim G. Perelmuter, "Ges? l'ebreo, Un punto di vista ebraico (Jesus the Jew: A Jewish Perspective), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 29 (1994) 29-37.
Jacob Neusner, "Un rabbino in dialogo con Ges?. Genesi di un libro" (A Rabbi Talks with Jesus: Introducing a Book), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 29 (1994) 107-113.
John B. Cobb, "Crescere nel dialogo in una societ? multireligiosa" (Being a Transformationist in a Pluralistic World), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 29 (1994) 114-117.
Michael S. Kogan, "Per una teologia ebraica del cristianesimo" (Toward a Jewish Theology of Christianity), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 30 (1995) 106-111.
Irving Greenberg, "La pluraforme alleanza di Dio" (Covenantal Pluralism), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 33 (1998).
Emile Moatti, "Abraham, promotore di un'umanita riconciliata" (Italian translation of "Abraham, initiateur d'une humanite reunifiee"), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana, 36.2 (2001).
1994- Associazione Biblica Italiana (ABI) (Italian Biblical Association).
1991- Society of Bibilical Literature (SBL).
1986- Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del giudaismo (AISG), (The Italian Association for Jewish Studies).
1993-1995 The Greater Detroit Interfaith Round Table of the National Conference. Member of the Muslim, Christian, Jewish Leadership Forum.
1980- Colloqui Ebraico-Cristiani di Camaldoli (The Annual Camaldoli Conferences of Christians and Jews). Member of the Founding Committee and Board of Directors.
1980- Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana (AEC), (The Italian Council of Christians and Jews). Member, and Board of Directors (since 1986).
1977- Segretariato Attivita Ecumeniche (SAE) (The Italian Ecumenical Association). Member, and Board of Directors (1984-1988).
Research Areas(s)
- Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins
My research focuses on Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins. I have published numerous books and articles on the subject, that have been traslated into several languages other than English, including Italian, German, Portuguese, Korean, Hungarian, and Chinese. I am also interested in contemporary Jewish-Italian Studies, with special emphasis on the Italian Holocaust.
In 2001 I founded and has directed ever since the Enoch Seminar, an international organization - affiliated to the Society of Biblical Literature - tha is devoted to the study of Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins. The series of international events organized by the Enoch Seminart have attracted hundreds of scholars from all around the world.
In 2009 I created 4 Enoch: The Online Encyclopedia of Second Temple Judaism (www., which has expanded, year after after, with thousands of visitors per months.
In 2018, on occasion of my 60th birthday, my former students and colleagues, J. Harold Ellens, Isaac W. Oliver, Jason von Ehrenkrook, James Waddell and Jason M. Zurawski, presented me a Festschrift: Wisdom Poured Out Like Water Studies on Jewish and Christian Antiquity in Honor of Gabriele Boccaccini. The volume, published by Walter De Gruyter in the series Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature Studies (38), includes more than 40 contributions from international scholars.
In 2018 I was awarded the title of "Cavaliere dell'Ordine della Stella d'Italia (Knight of the Order of the Star of Italy)" by the President of Italy Sergio Matterella for my contribution to the "preservation and promotion of national prestige abroad."
* {en} Wisdom Poured Out Like Water: Studies on Jewish and Christian Antiquity in Honor of Gabriele Boccaccini, ed. J. Harold Ellens, Isaac W. Oliver, Jason von Eherkrook, James Waddell, and Jason Zurawski (Berlin: DeGruyter, 2018)
== English ==
<5> {en} Paul's Three Paths to Salvation (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2020) -- Translated into Italian (2021), Korean (2023), and Chinese (2024).
<4> {en} Roots of Rabbinic Judaism: An Intellectual History, from Ezekiel to Daniel (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2001) -- Translated into Italian (2003), and German (2014).
<3> {en} Beyond the Essene Hypothesis: The Partings of the Ways between Qumran and Enochic Judaism (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998) -- Translated into Italian (2002), and Portuguese (2010).
<2> {en} Portraits of Middle Judaism, 300 BCE-200 CE, in Scholarship and the Arts: A Multimedia Catalog from Flavius to the Present (Turin, Zamorani, 1992).
<1> {en} Middle Judaism: Jewish Thought, 300 BCE-200 CE (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1991) -- Translated into Italian (1993).
== Italian ==
<7> {it} (con Giulio Mariotti), Paolo di Tarso, un ebreo del suo tempo. (Roma: Carocci, 2025)
<6> {it} Montespertoli che salvo' gli ebrei, 1943-44. Storie delle famiglie Sonnino, Milani, Manni e Pick in un comune della Toscana (Firenze: Leonardo Libri, 2024)
<5> {it} Le tre vie di salvezza di Paolo l'ebreo (Torino: Claudiana, 2021) -- Revised Italian ed. of Paul's Three Paths to Salvation (2020)
<4> {it} (with Piero Stefani), Dallo stesso grembo. Le origini del cristianesimo e del giudaismo rabbinico (Bologna: Dehoniane, 2012)
<3> {it} I giudaismi del Secondo Tempio (Brescia: Morcelliana, 2003) -- Revised Italian ed. of Roots of Rabbinic Judaism (1998)
<2> {it} Oltre l'ipotesi essenica (Brescia: Morcelliana, 2002) -- Revised Italian ed. of Beyong the Essene Hypothesis (1998)
<1> {it} Il medio giudaismo (Genova: Marietti, 1993) -- Revised Italian ed. of Middle Judaism (1991)
Edited volumes
<17> {en} Torah: Functions, Meanings, and Diverse Manifestations in Early Judaism and Christianity, ed. William Schniedewind, Jason Zurawski, and Gabriele Boccaccini (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2022).
<16> {en} A Guide to Early Jewish Texts and Traditions in Christian Transmission, ed. Alexander Kulik, Gabriele Boccaccini, et al. (New York: University of Oxford Press, 2019).
<15> {en} The Early Reception of Paul the Second Temple Jew: Text, Narrative and Reception History, ed. Isaac W. Oliver, and Gabriele Boccaccini (London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2019).
<14> {en} Reading the Gospel of John's Christology as Jewish Messianism: Royal, Prophetic, and Divine Messiahs, ed. Benjamin E. Reyolds, and Gabriele Boccaccini (Leiden: Brill, 2018).
<13> {en} Second Temple Jewish Paideia in Context, ed. Jason M. Zurawski, and Gabriele Boccaccini (Berlin: deGruyter, 2017).
<12> {en} Enoch and the Synoptic Gospels: Reminiscences, Allusions, Intertextuality, ed. Loren T. Stuckenbruck, and Gabriele Boccaccini (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2016).
<11> {en} Paul the Jew: Rereading the Apostle as a Figure of Second Temple Judaism, ed. Gabriele Boccaccini, and Carlos A. Segovia (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2016).
<10> {en} The Seleucid and Hasmonean Periods and the Apocalyptic Worldwiew, ed. Lester L. Grabbe, and Gabriele Boccaccini (London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2016).
<9> {en} Interpreting 4 Ezra and 2 Baruch: International Studies, ed. Gabriele Boccaccini, and Jason M. Zurawski (London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2014).
<8> {en} 4 Ezra and 2 Baruch: Reconstruction after the Fall, ed. Matthias Henze, and Gabriele Boccaccini (Leiden: Brill, 2013).
<7> {en} New Perspectives on 2 Enoch: No Longer Slavonic Only, ed. Andrei A. Orlov, and Gabriele Boccaccini (Leiden: Brill, 2012).
<6> {en} Enoch and the Mosaic Torah: The Evidence of Jubilees, ed. Gabriele Boccaccini, and Giovanni Ibba (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2009).
<5> {en} Enoch and the Messiah Son of Man: Revisiting the Book of Parables, ed. Gabriele Boccaccini (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2007).
<4> {en} The Early Enoch Literature, ed. Gabriele Boccaccini, and John J. Collins (Leiden: Brill, 2007).
<3> {it} Il messia tra memoria e attesa, ed. Gabriele Boccaccini (Brescia: Morcelliana, 2005).
<2> {en} Enoch and Qumran Origins: New Light on a Forgotten Connection, ed. Gabriele Boccaccini (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2005).
<1> {en} The Origins of Enochic Judaism: Proceedings of the First Enoch Seminar (University of Michigan, Sesto Fiorentino, June 19-23, 2001), ed. Gabriele Boccaccini (Turin: Zamorani, 2002).
= 2024 =
* {en} A Case for Historical Fiction: Its Contribution to the Study of Second Temple Judaism [forthcoming]
= 2023 =
* {it} Alle origini del dialogo ebraico-cristiano in Italia: note storiche, Studi Ecumenici 41.3-4 (luglio-dicembre 2023), 707-731.
* {en} Paul's Non-Supersessionist Theology, in Covenant and the People of God: Essays in Honor of Mark S. Kinzer, ed. Jonathan Kaplan, Jennifer Rosner, and David Rudolph (Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock, 2023)
* {en} Justification and Salvation in Paul and Acts: A Reading within Second Temple Judaism, in Receptions of Paul during the First Two Centuries, ed. Frantisek Abel (Lanham: Lexington/Fortress, 2023)
* {en} Earliest Enoch Commentaries before Laurence: Pompeo Sarnelli (1710) and Daniele Manin (1820), in Rediscovering Enoch? The Ancient Jewish Past from the 15th to 19th Century, ed. A. Hessayon, A. Yoshiko Reed, and G. Boccaccini (Leiden: Brill, 2023).
= 2022 =
* {en} Torah and Apocalypticism in the Second Temple Period, in ''Torah: Functions, Meanings, and Diverse Manifestations in Early Judaism and Christianity'', ed. Schniedewind, Zurawski, Boccaccini (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2022), 229-247.
* {en} Italian Scholarship on Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins, from the Renaissance to the Twentieth Century, in Fountains of Wisdom: In Conversation with James H. Charlesworth, ed. Gerbern Oegema, Henry Rietz, and Loren Stuckenbruck (London: T&T Clark, 2022), 501-514.
= 2021 =
* {it} La "teologia della sostituzione" e gli insegnamenti di Paolo, "SeFer" 176 (Oct-Dec 2021), 3-5.
* {it} Daniel, in ''Bibbia dell'Amicizia'', ed. Marco Cassuto Morselli and Giulio Michelini (Cinisello Balsamo, Milano: Edizioni San Paolo, 2021), 96-104.
* {it} La tradizione enochica: protologia ed escatologia, Filosofia e Teologia 1 (2021), 15-32
* {en} Protology and Eschatology in the Enochic Traditions, in Eschatology in Antiquity: Forms and Functions, ed. Hilary Marlow, Karla Pollmann, and Helen Van Noorden (London: Routledge, 2021), 171-183.
* {en} What Does the Forgiving Jesus Have to Do with the Unforgiving Enoch? Forgiveness of Sins in the Enochic Traditions, in Torah, Temple, Land : Constructions of Judaism in Antiquity, ed. Markus Witte, Jens Schröter, and Verena M. Lepper (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2021), 157-172.
* {en} Jewish Scholarship on the Second Temple Period: From the Renaissance to Albert I. Baumgarten, in Social History of the Jews in Antiquity, ed. Michal Bar-Asher Siegal and Jonathan Ben-Dov (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2021), 3-20.
1991 Ph.D., Judaic Studies, University of Turin, Italy.
1987-91 Graduate seminars on Early Judaism, Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, and Christian Origins, Department of Oriental Studies, University of Turin, Italy.
1988 Graduate seminars on Hellenistic Philosophy, Phoenicians and Ancient Jewish Thought, Graduate School of Philosophical Studies, Naples, Italy.
1988 Graduate seminar on Rabbinic Judaism, Humanities Division, University of Bologna, Italy.
1983 "Laurea in Lettere" (Master of Arts), Church History, University of Florence, Italy.
1976-83 Courses and Seminars on Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Aramaic, Hellenistic History and Philosophy, Church History, New Testament, and Christian Origins; Humanities Division, University of Florence.
1976-80 Courses on OT and NT Exegesis, and Christian Theology, Florence Theological Seminary (an affiliate of the Pontifical Gregorian University), Florence, Italy.
1976 Maturita'Classica, Classical Studies, Dante Alighieri Lyceum, Florence, Italy.
2002-present Professor of New Testament and Second Temple Judaism, Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan.
2000-present Visiting Professor, BIBLIA, Italy.
1999-present Visiting Professor, Institute for Secular Humanistic Judaism, Detroit, MI.
1999-2002 Assistant Professor of New Testament and Second Temple Judaism, Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan.
1992-1999 Adjunct Professor of New Testament and Second Temple Judaism, Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of Michigan.
1995 Spring Visiting Associate Professor of Second Temple Judaism, Ecumenical Theological Seminary, Detroit, MI.
1994 Fall The Louis and Helen Padnos Visiting Professor of Judaic Studies, Frankel Center for Judaic Studies, University of Michigan.
1992 Spring Visiting Associate Professor of New Testament, Waldensian Faculty of Theology, Rome, Italy.
1990 Jan.-Jul. Visiting Scholar, Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, N.J.
1989 Jan.-May Visiting Scholar, Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, N.J.
1987-1992 Researcher and Lecturer in New Testament and Judaic Studies, University of Turin, Italy.
1983-1987 Professor of Religion, Lyceum of International Languages, Florence, Italy.
1987- Henoch (a Journal of Judaic Studies), edited by the University of Turin, Italy. Member of the Editorial Office (1987-89), and then of the Board of Directors (since Jan. 1996).
1987- Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana (a Journal-Christian Studies), edited by the Italian Council of Christians and Jews, Florence, Italy. Member of the Editorial Board and Board of Directors.
1981-1982 Testimonianze (a Journal of Theological Studies), edited by the Badia Fiesolana, Florence, Italy. Member of the Editorial Board.
1999- Recipient of an LSA Excellence in Education Award.
1994- The Louis and Helen Padnos Visiting Professorship of Judaic Studies, Frankel Center for Judaic Studies, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.
1992- Winner of the "Borsa di Studio Post-Dottorato" (The Post-Doctoral Grant) at the University of Turin, Italy.
1987- Best of the three annual winners of the National Italian Contest for the "Dottorato di Recerca in Ebraistica' (The Italian Doctoral Grant in Judaic Studies).
1983- "Laurea in Lettere" (M.A.) summa cum laude.
1976- "Maturita Classica" (B.A.) summa cum laude.
1971- Receiving the prize "La Pagella Migliore" (The Best Report) as one of the most distinguished students in the region of Tuscany, Italy.
1971- Chosen to serve in the five-member Selection Committee of the Annual Literary Contest "Il Bancarellino" awarding the best children's book written in Italy (Live National TV Coverage).
Translations and Edited Works
James H. Charlesworth, Gli Pseudepigrafi dell'Antico Testamento e il Nuovo Testamento. Prolegomena allo studio delle origini cristiane, revised edition of The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha and the New Testament: Prolegomena for the Study of Christian Origins (Cambridge, 1985), edited and translated from English into Italian by G. Boccaccini (Paideia: Brescia, 1990).
"I cattolici e la vita pubblica in Italia (1815-1976)" (The Catholics and the Political Life in Italy (1815-1976), (B.A. Thesis of Honor, Dante Alighieri Lyceum, Florence, Italy, 1976), (Italian).
"Le doppie verit?. La stampa cattolica e gli euromissili" (Double-Speak: How the Catholic Press has Reacted to the Installation of Nuclear Weapons in Italy), Politica e Societ? 5.2 (1980) 47-49 (Italian).
"La settimana ecumenica a La Mendola" (The La Mendola conference of the Italian Ecumenical Association), Testimonianze 23.9-10 (1980) 54-56 (Italian).
"Coscienza cristiana e consigli di quartiere. Riflessioni in margine alla Gaudium et Spes" (A Catholic in a District Council: My Experience in Light of the Gaudium et Spes), Il Focolare 40.10 (1980) 4-5 (Italian).
"Famiglia ed evangelizzazione: bilancio di un sinodo" (Family and Evangelization: The Recent Synod of the Catholic Church), (with Ernesto Balducci), Testimonianze 23.12 (1980) 3-8 (Italian).
"Pace e disarmo: Il Convegno di 'Bozze' a Torino" (Peace and Disarmament: The Turin Conference of the Journal 'Bozze'), Testamonianze 24.1-2 (1981) 71-73 (Italian).
"L'Interpretazione di Gen 1:26 in Filone Alessandrino (The Interpretation of Gen 1:26 in Philo of Alexandria)," in A Immagine di Dio Lo Creo, ed. Innocenzo Gargano (with Sante Babolin, Giacomo Binnella, Gabriele Boccaccini, Martin Cunz, Ysabel de Andia, and Miriam Viterbi-BenHorin) ("Quaderni di Vita Monastica"; Camaldoli, 1982) 33-41.
"Il Concetto di Memoria in Filone Alessandrino" (Memory as a Philosophical and Religious Concept in Philo of Alexandria), Annali dell'Istituto di Filosofia 6 (1984) 1-19.
"Il Tema Della Memoria in Giuseppe Flavio" (The Concept of Memory in Flavius Josephus), Henoch 6 (1984) 147-163.
"Il valore memoriale dell'atto eucaristico alla luce della tradizione giudaica" (The Memorial Value of Eucharist in the Light of the Jewish Tradition), in Ges? Ebreo, ed. Innocenzo Gargano (with Gabriele Boccaccini, Pier Cesare Bori, Martin Cunz, Alberto Mello, Paolo Sacchi, Lea Sestierei, Miriam Viterbi-BenHorin, and Ida Zatelli) ("Quaderni di Vita monastica," Camaldoli, 1984) 104-117 (Italian).
"I matrimoni tra credente e non credente" (Marriage Between a Believer and a Non-Believer),(with Aloma Bardi), in Ecumenismo Anni 80, della XXI Sessions di formazione ecumenica organizzata dal S.A.E. (La Mendola, Trento, 29 luglio - 6 agosto 1983), ed. Maria Vingiani (Il Segno: Verona, 1984) 266-268 (Italian).
"Il tema della memoria nell'ebraismo e nel giudaismo antico" (The Concept of Memory in Ancient Israel), Henoch 7 (1985) 165-192 (Italian).
"Il valore della verginit? in Filone Alessandrino<" (The Significance of Virginity in Philo of Alexandria), in La verginit? cristiana, ed. Enzo Bianchi (with Gabriele Boccaccini, Antonio Bonora, Ysabelle De Andia, Lorenzo De Lorenzi, Rinaldo Fabris, Innocenzo Gargano, S. Jeanne d'Arc, Louis Leloir, Salvatore A. Panimolle, Ignace de la Potterie, Emanuela Prinzivalli, Gianfranco Ravasi, Jacgueline des Rochettes, Giulia Sfameni-Gasparro, Mario Spinelli, Ugo Vanni, Tecle Vetrali, and Stefano Virgulin) ("Parola Spirito e Vita" 12; Dehoniane: Bolgna, 1985) 217-227 (Italian).
"Il dibattito sul valore salvifico della Torah nel I sec." (The Debate on the Salvific Value of the Torah in First-Century Judaism), in Il dono della Torah, ed. Innocenzo Gargano (with Gabriele Boccaccini, Paolo de Benedetti, Carmine Di Sante, Jacqueline Genot, Lea Sestieri, Piero Stefani, and Mirjam Viterbi-Benhorin) (Quaderni di Vita Monastica; Camaldoli, 1985) 112-119 (Italian).
"Il dialogo ebraico-cristiano e le provocazioni del mondo giovanile" (The Jewish-Christian Dialogue: Challenges from the New Generation), in Il dialogo ebraico-cristiano oggi, ed. Innocenzo Gargano ("Quaderni di Vita Monastica" 44; Camaldoli, 1986) 63-64 (Italian).
"Origine del male, liberta dell'uomo e retribuzione nella Sapienza di Ben Sira" (The Origin of Evil, Human Freedom, and the Principle of Retribution in the Wisdom of Sirach), Henoch 8 (1986) 1-37 (Italian).
"Annuario degli incontri ebraico-cristiani in Italia, 1986-87" (Year-Book of the Jewish-Christian Dialogue in Italy), "Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana" 22 (1987) 24-32 (Italian).
"Prospettive universalistiche nel Tardo Giudaismo" (Universalistic perspectives in Early Judaism), in Testimoni fino all'estremit? della terra, ed. Alfio Filippi (with Giuseppe Barbaglio, Augusto Barbi, Gabriele Boccaccini, Antonio Bonora, Benedetto Calati, Francesca Cocchini, Innocenzo Gargano, Giuseppe Giberti, Emanuela Ghini, Mauro L?coni, Salvatore A. Panimolle, Mauro Pesce, Ignace de la Potterie, Gianfranco Ravasi, Horacio Simian-Yofre, Joseph Shih, Stefano Virgulin, and Marcello Zago) (Parola Spirito e Vita 16; Dehoniane: Bologna, 1987) 81-89 (Italian).
"E' Daniele un testo apocalittico? Una (ri)definizione del pensiero del Libro di Daniele in rapporto al Libro dei sogni e all'apocalittica" (Is Daniel an Apocalyptic Document? A (Re-)Definition of Daniel's Thought in Relation to Dream Visions and Apocalyptic Tradition), Henoch 9 (1987) 267-302 (Italian).
"Seminario di Jacob Neusner a Bologna (13-16 marzo 1988" (Seminar of Jacob Neusner in Bologna (March 13-16, 1988)), Rivisto Biblica 36 (1988) 535-536 (Italian).
"Ebrei e cristiani in dialogo" (Jews and Christians I Dialogue), ToscanaOggi 6 (April 3, 1988), (Italian).
"Intervista a Ray Elio Toaff" (An Interview with Ray Elio Toaff, Chief-Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Rome), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 23 (1988) 3-5 (Italian).
"Convegno primaverile del SAI" (The Spring Meeting of the Italian Ecumenical Association), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 23 (1988) 32, and ToscanaOggi 6 (May 8, 1988), (Italian).
"Annuario degli incontri ebraico-cristiani in Italia, 1987-1988" (Year-Book of the Jewish-Christian Dialogue in Italy), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 23 (1988) 27-40 (Italian).
"Ancora un passo in avanti nel rapporto di amicizia tra ebrei e cristiani" (A New Step in the Jewish-Christian Dialogue in Italy), ToscanaOggi 7 (Jan. 8, 1989) (Italian).
"Le Chiese cristiane e il loro nuovo atteggiamento nei confronti dell'ebraismo" (The New Attitude of Christian Churches toward Judaism), Amicizia Ebraico-Christiana 24 (1989) 22-26 (Italian).
"Annuario degli incontri ebraico-cristiani in Italia, 1988-89" (Year-Book of the Jewish-Christian Dialogue in Italy), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 24 (1989) 90-99 (Italian).
"Indici" (A Guide to Subject Matter), in Apocrifi dell'Antico Testamento (The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha in Italian), ed. Paolo Sacchi (with Paolo Bettiolo, Gabriele Boccaccini, Mario Enrietti, Maurizio Lana, Paolo Marrassini, and Liliana Rosso-Ubigli), vol. 2 (UTET: Turin, 1989) (Italian).
"La rescoperta cristiana dell'ebraismo" (The Christian Rediscovery of Judaism), Il Nostro Tempo 45.2 (Jan. 14, 1990)(Italian).
"La sfida della reciprocit?" (The Christian Rediscovery of Judaism), Il Nostro Tempo 45.3 (Jan. 21, 1990) (Italian).
"A proposito di un articolo su Franz Werfel, Occorre rispettare l'altro per quello che ?" (concerning an Article on Franz Werfel: No Dialogue without Respect) with Emanuele Viterbo, ToscanaOggi 8.36 (Oct. 14, 1990) Italian.
"Ebrei e cristiani nell'Est europeo" (Jews and Christians in Eastern Europe), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 25 (1990) 104-106 (Italian).
"Annuario degli incontri ebraico-cristiani in Italia, 1989-90" (Year-Book of the Jewish-Christian Dialogue in Italy), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 25 (1990) 107-112 (Italian).
"Ebrei e israeliani: una distinzione necessaria" (Jews and Israelis: A Necessary Distinction), ToscanaOggi 9.6 (Feb. 10, 1991), and Fedelt? 16.1 (1991) 7-8 (Italian).
"Conoscersi e l'antidoto ad ogni antisemitismo, Intervista a Ray Umberto Sciunnach" (Mutual Knowledge as a Remedy against Anti-Semitism: An Interveiw with Ray Umberto Sciunnach, Chief-Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Florence), ToscanaOggi 9.2 (Jan. 13, 1991) (Italian).
"Il Sinodo della Chiesa Fiorentina" (The Synod of the Catholic Church of Florence), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 26 (1991) 57-59 (Italian).
"La Sapienza dello Pseudo-Aristea" (The Wisdom of Pseudo-Aristeas), in Biblische und judaistische Studien: Festschrift f?r Paolo Sacchi, ed. Angelo Vivian (Lang: Frankfurt, 1991) 143-176 (Italian).
"Jewish Apocalyptic Tradition: The Contribution of Italian Scholarship", in John J. Collins and James H. Charlesworth, eds., Mysteries and Revelations: Apocalyptic Studies since the Uppsala Colloquium (Sheffield: Academy Press, 1991) 38-58.
"Intervista al Cardinal Silvano Piovanelli" (An Interview with Cardinal Silvano Piovanelli, Arch-Bishop of Florence), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 27 (1992) 74-77, and Firenze Ebraica 5.4 (1992) 22-26 (Italian).
"Da Gerusalemme a Roma. Le radici giudaiche dell'universalismo paolino" (From Jerusalem to Rome: The Jewish Roots of Pauline Universalism), Parole di Vita, 37 (1992) 326-332 (Italian).
"Ebrei e cristiani sono fratelli gemelli. A proposito di un saggio di Alan F. Segal" (Jews and Christians are Twins: Comments on an Article by Alan F. Segal), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 28 (1993) 77-78 (Italian).
"Middle Judaism and Its Contemporary Interpreters: Methodological Foundations for the Study of Judaisms, 300 BCE to 200 CE," Henoch 15 (1993) 207-34.
"La nuova frontiera del dialogo" (New Perspectives in the Jewish-Christian Dialogue), Firenze Ebraica 7 (1994) 7-11 (Italian).
"Le benedizioni e le maledizioni nell'apocalittica giudaica" (Blessing and Cursing in the Jewish Apocalyptic Tradition), in Dizionario di Spiritualita Biblico-Patristica. Vol. 7: Beatitudine-Benedizione-Maledizione, ed. Salvatore A. Panimolle (with Gabriele Boccaccini, Filippo Carcione, Mario Cimosa, Carmine Di Sante, Rinaldo Fabris, Mario Girardi, Pietro Meloni, Adrien Nocent, Carlo Tibiletti, and Ugo Vanni) (Borla: Breschia, 1994) 77-84 (Italian).
"Il popolo di Dio nei giudaismi di et? ellenistico-romana" (The People of God in the Judaisms of the Hellenistic-Roman Period), in Dizionario di Spiritualit? Biblico-Patristica. Vol. 8: Chiesa-Comunit?-Popolo di Dio," ed. Salvatore A. Panimolle (with Adam Bandura, Gabriele Boccaccini, Antonio Bonato, Paolo Carrara, Rinaldo Fabris, Felice Montagnini, Elio Peretto, Ann Penati-Bernardini, Alessandra Pollastri, Marco Rizzi, Giuseppe Sgherri, and Tecle Vetrali) (Borla: Brescia, 1994) 52-62 (Italian).
"1882: Cesare Olivetti e la traduzione italiana del David Deronda di George Eliot" (1882: Cesare Olivetti and the Italian Translation of George Eliot's David Deronda), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 30 (1995) 141-45 (Italian).
"Multiple Judaisms," Bible Review 11.1 (Feb 1995) 38-41, 46.
"La figura di Davide nei giudaismi di et? ellenistico-romana" (David in the Judaisms of the Hellenistic-Roman Period), Davide: modelli biblici e prospettive messianiche. Atti dell'VIII Convegno di studi veterotestamentari (Seiano, 13-15 settembre 1993)," ed. Gian Luigi Prato (with Giovanni Bettenzoli, Gabriele Boccaccini, Innocenzo Cardellini, Mario Cimosa, Giovanni Garbini, Roberto Gelio, Elio Jucci, Pierfelice Taglicarne, and Milka Ventura-Avanzinelli) ("Ricerche-Storico Bibliche" 7.1; Dehoniane: Bologna, 1995) 175-85 (Italian).
"Testi apocalittici coevi all'Apocalisse di Giovanni" (Late First-Century Jewish Apocalypses), in Apocalittica e origini cristiane. Atti del V. convegno di Studi Neotestamentari (Seiano, 15-18 settembre 1993), ed. Romano Penna (with Gabriele Boccaccini, Claudio Doglio, Rinaldo Fabris, Vittorio Fusco, Edmondo Lupieri, Enrico Norelli, and Paolo Sacchi) ("Ricerche Storico-Bibliche" 7.2; Dehoniane: Bologna, 1995) 151-161 (Italian).
"History of Judaism: Its Periods in Antiquity," in Judaism in Late Antiquity, ed. Jacob Neusner (with Alan J. Avery-Peck, Gabriele Boccaccini, Bruce D. Chilton, James D.G. Dunn, Paul Flesher, Johnathan A. Goldstein, Lester Grabbe, William S. Green, Itamar Gruenwald, Lawrence Hoffman, Johann Maier, Gary G. Porton, G?nter Stemberger, and James F.Strange) (2 vols.; Brill: Leiden, 1995) 2:279-302.
"Targum Neofiti as a Proto-Rabbinic Document: A Systemic Analysis," in M. McNamara and D.R.G. Beattie, eds., The Aramaic Bible: Targums in Their Historical Context. Proceedings of the Dublin Conference in Targumic Studies, Held at the Irish National Academy (Dublin, July 1992) (Sheffield: Academic Press, 1995) 260-69.
"The Pre-existence of the Torah: A Commonplace in Second Temple Judaism, or a Later Rabbinic Development?," Henoch 17 (1995) 329-350.
"O.J. Simpson, Louis Farrakhan e il nuovo antisemitismo americano" (O.J. Simpson, Louis Farrakhan, and the New American Anti-Semitism), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 31 (1996) 25-33 (Italian).
"Il Dio unico, Padre e Creatore, nel giudaismo di et? ellenistico-romana," (The Only God, Father and Maker, in Judaism of the Hellenistic-Roman Period), in Dizionario di Spiritualit? Biblico-Patristica. Vol 10: Dio-Signore nella Bibbia, ed. Salvatore a. Panimolle (with Gabriele Boccaccini, Mario Cimosa, Giovanni Deiana, Carmine Di Sante, and Claudio Doglio) (Borla: Brescia, 1996) 102-121 (Italian).
"Dallo straniero come categoria sociale allo straniero come problema religioso: alle radici dell'universalismo cristiano e rabbinico" (The Roots of Christian and Rabbinic Universalism in Second Temple Judaism), in Lo straniero nella Bibbia, aspetti Storici, istituzionali e teologici (XXXIII Settimana Biblica Nazionale), ed. Innocenzo Cardellini ("Ricerche Storico-Bibliche' 8.1-2: Dehonianie, Bologna. 1996)163-172 (Italian).
"Tra Predeterminismo e responsabilit? umana. Riflessioni sul concetto di elezione nel giudaismo medio" (Predeterminism vs. Human Responsibility: The Early Jewish Debate), in Dizionario di Spiritualit? Biblico-Patristica. Vol. 15: Elezione-Vocazione-Predestinazione, ed. Salvatore A. Panimolle (Borla: Roma, 1997) 51-66 (Italian).
"E se l'essenismo fosse il movimento enochiano? Una nuova ipotesi circa il rapporto tra Qumran e gli esseni" (Should the Essenes and the Enochians Be Identified? A New Hypothesis on the Relationship between Qumran and the Essenes), in Qumran e le origini cristiane. Atti del VI Convegno di Studi Neotestamentari (L'Aquila, 14-17 settembre 1995), ed. Romano Penna (with Gabriele Boccaccini, Florentino Garcia Martinez, Claudio Gianotto,k Edmondo Lupieri, Cesare Marcheselli-Casale, Aldo Magris, Enrico Norelli, Romano Penna, Paolo Sacchi, and Giuseppe Segalla ("Ricerche Storico-Bibliche" 9.2; Dehoniane: Bologna, 1997) 49-67 (Italian).
"Il banchetto escatologico nei documenti del giudaismo medio" (The Messianic Banquet in the Literature of Middle Judaism), Dizionario di Spiritualita Biblico-Patristica, ed. Salvatore A. Panimolle (Borla: Roma, (1998)) 72-81 (Italian).
"The Current State of Dead Sea Scrolls Research," Jewish Book News (Aug 6, 1998) 34-37.
"Esiste una letteratura farisaica del Secondo Tempio?" (Is There a Pharisaic Literature of the Second Temple?) Recerche Storio-Bibliche 11.2 (1999) 23-41 (Italian).
"Belial; Elephantine Papyri; High Priest; Targum," in Eerdmans Dictionary of the Bible, ed. David N. Freedman (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2000).
"The Origins of Qumran in Light of the Enoch Groups," in The Hebrew Bible and Qumran, ed. James H. Charlesworth (N. Richland Hills: Bibal, 2000) 63-92.
"La rottura fra Sinagoga e Chiesa: uno scisma dall'interno del giudaismo tra il I e il II secolo?" (The Parting of the Ways between the Synagogue and the Church: A Schism within Judaism of the I-II cent. CE?), in Grandi scismi nella storia della Chiesa, ed. Mario Degli Innocenti (with Guiseppe Ruggieri, Franco Buzzi, Paolo Ricca, Riccardo Burigana, Vittorio Peri, Amos Luzzatto, Gabriele Boccaccini, Nina Kauchtschichwili) (Milan: Ancora, 2000) 111-132 (Italian).
"The Solar Calendars of Daniel and Enoch," in The Book of Daniel: Composition and Reception, ed. John J. Collins and Peter W. Flint, 2 vols. (Leiden: Brill, 2001) 2:311-328.
"Farisei: ipocriti o maestri?" (The Pharisees: Hypocrites or Sages?), and "Paolo ebreo" (Paul the Jew), in Ebrei e cristiani alle origini delle divisioni (Jews and Christians: At the Roots of their Division), ed. Ernesto Riva, Stefano Rosso and Emilia Turco (with Gabriele Boccaccini, Paolo De Benedetti, Lea Sestieri, and Piero Stefani) (Turin: AEC-Torino, 2001) 1-22 and 39-55 (Italian).
"Bielorussia Ebraica: Appunti ed impressioni di viaggio" (A Journey to Jewish Belarus), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana, 38 (2002) 8-21 (Italian).
Translations from English into Italian
Leonard Swidler, "I dieci comandamenti del dialogo" (The Dialogue Decalogue), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 24 (1989) 59-64.
Leon Klenicki, "Verso una comprensione ebraica del cristianesimo" (Toward a Jewish Understanding of Christianity), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 25 (1990) 64-69.
Alan F. Segal, "I figli di Rebecca, Giudaismo e cristianesimo sono fratelli gemelli' (Rebecca's Children: Judaism and Christianity as Twins), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana (1992) 3-6.
James H. Charlesworth, "L'ebraicit? di Ges?: nuove testimonianze archaeologiche e documentarie" (Jesus' Jewishness: New Evidence from History and Archaeology), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 28 (1993) 6-18.
Hayim G. Perelmuter, "Ges? l'ebreo, Un punto di vista ebraico (Jesus the Jew: A Jewish Perspective), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 29 (1994) 29-37.
Jacob Neusner, "Un rabbino in dialogo con Ges?. Genesi di un libro" (A Rabbi Talks with Jesus: Introducing a Book), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 29 (1994) 107-113.
John B. Cobb, "Crescere nel dialogo in una societ? multireligiosa" (Being a Transformationist in a Pluralistic World), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 29 (1994) 114-117.
Michael S. Kogan, "Per una teologia ebraica del cristianesimo" (Toward a Jewish Theology of Christianity), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 30 (1995) 106-111.
Irving Greenberg, "La pluraforme alleanza di Dio" (Covenantal Pluralism), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana 33 (1998).
Emile Moatti, "Abraham, promotore di un'umanita riconciliata" (Italian translation of "Abraham, initiateur d'une humanite reunifiee"), Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana, 36.2 (2001).
1994- Associazione Biblica Italiana (ABI) (Italian Biblical Association).
1991- Society of Bibilical Literature (SBL).
1986- Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del giudaismo (AISG), (The Italian Association for Jewish Studies).
1993-1995 The Greater Detroit Interfaith Round Table of the National Conference. Member of the Muslim, Christian, Jewish Leadership Forum.
1980- Colloqui Ebraico-Cristiani di Camaldoli (The Annual Camaldoli Conferences of Christians and Jews). Member of the Founding Committee and Board of Directors.
1980- Amicizia Ebraico-Cristiana (AEC), (The Italian Council of Christians and Jews). Member, and Board of Directors (since 1986).
1977- Segretariato Attivita Ecumeniche (SAE) (The Italian Ecumenical Association). Member, and Board of Directors (1984-1988).
Research Areas(s)
- Second Temple Judaism and Christian Origins