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Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program

In 2023-2024, the University of Michigan was a "top producer" of finalists for the Fulbright U.S. Student and Scholar Programs.

The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program offers approximately 400 teaching, research, or combination teaching/research awards in over 135 countries. Opportunities are available for college and university faculty and administrators as well as for professionals, artists, journalists, scientists, lawyers, independent scholars and many others. In addition to several new program models designed to meet the changing needs of U.S. academics and professionals, Fulbright offers flexible awards including multi-country opportunities. The Institute of International Education (IIE) administers this program on behalf of the U.S. State Department.


Although the U-M International Institute does not administer any aspect of these awards in the pre-award or post-award phase, we have been trained by IIE and are able to provide comprehensive information, instructions, editorial assistance, review criteria tailored to each application, and professional advice on how best to structure an application for this particular competition.

To request an advising appointment, please email

Award Dates and Duration

Most grants range in duration from two to twelve months. Some grants have a flex option that allows multiple segments over 24 months. Awards vary considerably in duration and award period, depending on location and type of award.

Application Deadline

Applications for the 2026-2027 Fulbright awards will open in February 2025. Application deadline is September 15, 2025.

Application Submission

Applicants must apply directly to IIE using their online application system. Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to sign up for the My Fulbright newsletter and register their interest in a specific country, world region, and/or discipline from the Connect with Fulbright page. Eligibility guidelines and application requirements, including link to the line application, can be found under the Getting Started tab on the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program page.

Eligibility Criteria

  • U.S. citizenship (permanent residents not eligible)
  • PhD or appropriate equivalent professional or terminal degree (including a master's degree in some fields).
  • Professionals, artists, and other non-academic applicants need recognized professional standing and substantial professional accomplishments.
  • Must have relevant postdoctoral academic lecturing experience for teaching awards.
  • For some countries, must possess sufficient foreign-language competence.
