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First-Year and Upper-Level Writing Prize Ceremony

Wednesday, April 23, 2014
4:00 AM
North Quad, Space 2435

Presented by the English Department Writing Program and Sweetland Center for Writing

Sweetland and the English Department Writing Program present prizes for student writers in LSA. Sweetland’s prizes include: the Granader Family Prize for Outstanding Writing Portfolio, the Matt Kelley/Granader Family Award for Excellence in First-Year Writing, and the Granader Family Prize for Excellence in Upper-Level Writing. These prizes are awarded annually in the winter term, and winning entries are published both digitally and in hard copy to showcase excellence in writing across the College. More on the 2014 Prizes page. 

This year's winners include:

Alexandra R. Berns
Rebecca Bonner
Callie Chappell
Sarah N. Cunningham
Neila Fraiha
Karen Guan
Maximillian Huppertz
Sin Ye Hwang
Nicholas Kern
James Nadel
Connie Zuo
Christopher J. Zysnarski