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Student Learning and Analytics at Michigan (SLAM): Online Learning Resources in the Humanities and Engineering: Making and Measuring

Friday, November 1, 2013
4:00 AM
Johnson Rooms, 3rd Floor, Lurie Engineering Center (North Campus)

The Student Learning and Analytics at Michigan (SLAM) Seminar series features both U-M faculty and visitors from other campuses, focusing on the use of data about students, courses and academic programs -- for the purposes of improving teaching and learning.

This SLAM Seminar will focus on two U-M faculty projects involving the design and assessment of online learning resources. 

Christine Modey, Sweetland Center for Writing (LSA), will present on her project to promote student learning of writing skills through online learning resources. This initiative is part of the Michigan Education through Learning Objects team, a U-M cross-disciplinary collaboration that facilitates development of technology-infused courses for enhanced learning. 

Next, Robin Fowler, Technical Communications (CoE) will present on her quasi-experimental study examining the effect of discussion format (Google doc or face-to-face) on team dynamics in a first-year undergraduate engineering course. This project was funded by CRLT's Teaching with Technology Institute and Investigating Student Learning Grants.

For more information and to register visit the CRLT website.

Christine Modey