Congratulations Peer Writing Consultant Graduates
Aniyah Fisher
Lindsey Bixler
Erin Evans
Gigi Guida
Gus Boyer
Hailey Fiel
Isabella Simakas
Laine Kibler
Lauren Reitzel
Lucy Mao
Maddie Cutler
Maryam Romio
Meghan Behr
Nia Saxon
Rafah Al-Shohaty
Roshni Veeramachaneni
Sarah Shepard
Savanna Cowley

Our Graduates
Aniyah Fisher
Major: Psychology
Being part of the Sweetland community was one of the best experiences during my time at Michigan. It encompassed more than just being a peer writing consultant and oftentimes included being a listening ear, a friend, and an advocate amongst other things. Through my interactions with other PWCs, Sweetland faculty, and students seeking help, I was able to learn much more than I ever could have imagined. I have grown as a student, professionally, and personally, and I could only hope that I have left a memorable impact on both the Sweetland and greater Michigan community along the way.
Lindsey Bixler
Major: English
Minor: Education for Empowerment
Working at the PWC has been one of the most remarkable opportunities I've had in my time as an undergrad. It has been incredible to not only collaborate with writers and colleagues as a peer consultant, but to also help with administration, research, and maintenance of the writing center as Assistant to the Director, Laura Clapper. I have been challenged, moved, pushed, and supported in so many ways that never fail to make me smile. I only hope that I was able to give as much as I have taken away from this experience with the program! Our community is amazing, and I am so thankful to have been a part of the team for as long as I have.
Erin Evans
Majors: Film, Television, and Media; Creative Writing
Working with the PWC has led me to meet people who will continue to inspire me after graduation. It began as a job I was nominated for and thought I might as well do because it was related to careers I was interested in, but it became so much more than that. It has allowed me to do work that I find truly meaningful, and since I hope to continue working with writers in some capacity in my future career, the ways in which this experience has impacted the my approach to talking about writing and encouraging writers in their work will be invaluable.
Gigi Guida
Major: Spanish; Linguistics
Gus Boyer
Major: Spanish; Linguistics
Hailey Fiel
Major: Biology, Health, & Society
Minor: Writing
Izzy Simakas
Major: Public Health Sciences
Minor: Spanish
There is no community like the one I have found through my fellow coworkers at the Peer Writing Center. During our years together, we've grown alongside each other, and it has been truly inspiring to see the amazing things everyone has done and will go on to do. I cherish the friendships I've made through my involvement with the PWC, and hope that they will be long-lasting. Between growing closer with my colleagues and making amicable connections with students that came to me for appointments, working as a Peer Writing Consultant has been an incredibly fulfilling time of my life while also providing me with improved communication and interpersonal skills. It is an experience I will not soon forget.
Laine Kibler
Major: RC Creative Writing (Mixed-Genre) and RC Arts & Ideas (Image/Text)
Minor: Linguistics
I have thoroughly enjoyed my time working as a PWC at Sweetland for the past two years. The highlight of my experience was working for the Sweetland Advisory Board, which was made up of disabled students giving feedback to the writing center as a part of its accessibility initiative. We made a lot of exciting improvements to our physical spaces including adding lamps and fidget toys for a more Universal Design in terms of sensory needs; we also gave a presentation to the Writer's Workshop staff on more accessible consulting practices which went over very well. As a student, it's not often you feel that the administration of your university is really hearing you about your needs---however, Sweetland was the exception to this standard for me and it has been so rewarding to watch our suggestions turn into real, tangible changes.
Lauren Reitzel
Major: English
Minor: Writing
Lucy Mao
Major: Political Science
Minor: French
Joining the PWCP has been one of the best experiences I've ever had, and what made it so phenomenal was the amazing community of people. I've met wonderful mentors and friends and learned so much about writing, language, and social forces, knowledge that will stay with me as I navigate law school, my career, and life beyond undergrad. Thank you so much to the PWCP for encouraging me on my intellectual journeys and for being an all-around cool and rad group, and I'm going to miss you all!
Maddie Cutler
Major: History
Minor: Public Policy
I've genuinely loved serving as Peer Writing Consultant as I have gotten to do great meaningful work, meet and work alongside amazing peers, and improve my own writing in the process. I hope the program continues to grow and improve; it has been the most rewarding to see all of the individual and different types of contributions each student has made to make our program better at serving a diverse community of writers.
Maryam Romio
Major: Community and Global Public Health
During my time at the Sweetland, I was able to pursue my passion for working with different styles of writing and helping others one-on-one that I would not have been able to do otherwise. Being able to talk to my fellow consultants and writers truly helped me become a better problem-solver and writer. I was able to learn so much during every session. I am so grateful for my time with the PWC!
Meghan Behr
Major: Public Policy
Minor: English
Without a doubt, working at Sweetland has been one of the highlights of my collegiate career. During each shift, I interacted with bright individuals who were constantly teaching me something new about writing, academia, and the world. Truly, I could not be more grateful for the lessons I've learned or the connections I've made with writers, staff members, and fellow PWCs. As I embark on the next chapter of my life, I will reflect fondly on all that Sweetland has given me!
Nia Saxon
Major: Psychology; English
Rafah Al-Shohaty
Major: Anthropology; English
Roshni Veeramachaneni
Major: Creative Writing
Minor: Asian Studies
During my time working at the PWCP, I have enjoyed having such productive discourse around writing, as well as the incredibly compassionate people I’ve been able to work with!
Sarah Shepard
Major: Classical Civilization
What I have valued the most about working at the PWC is how it constantly put me into contact with varied ideas and writing styles. Through consulting, I was able to enter dialogues with people I would never have met otherwise, discover things about subjects I would never have encountered, and look at writing and language in new ways. I loved to learn from and practice truly seeing all of those diverse fragments of the U of M community. I will always be incredibly grateful for being a part of the PWCP, and for all of the support that enabled that to happen.
Savanna Cowley
Major: English
I am so grateful to have been a part of Sweetland's Peer Writing Center! Being a peer consultant has been one of the most exciting and formative experiences I've had in my undergraduate career. I will forever cherish writing center work and its commitment to equity, liberation, and community care. As I move forward into a post-graduate writing career, I am thankful for the opportunity to have served and collaborated with my peers on something as transformative as writing. Thank you, PWCP!