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Isaac Ahuvia
Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI
Major/Minor: Sociology major & German Studies minor
Thesis topic: Social Movement Response to State Framing Activity: State Frame Influence in the Anti-SOPA Movement
What is a skill that you gained through your experiences in the Sociology Honors Program?: I gained the ability to thoughtfully and honesty give and receive feedback on complex ideas.
What is your super power?: I can climb up to three whole flights of stairs without running out of breath.
Benjamin Frey
Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI
Major/Minor: Sociology major, Spanish major, & IGR minor
Thesis: "Navigating Sex: College as a Sexual Space and Campus Cultures"
What is a skill that you gained through your experiences in the Sociology Honors Program?: One of the most encompassing aspects of my growth throughout my Sociological Honors experience has been my navigation of expectation and feasibility. As a person who has very high expectations for myself I tend to get excited about the possibilities of my work and time. However, it is important to understand that more is not always better. There are times when more actually hinders you're ability to operate effectively with the tasks that you have provided yourself.
What is your super power?: Winning Others Over (WOO)
Shelley Peterson Walker
Hometown: Golden, CO
Major/Minor: Sociology major & Women's Studies minor
Thesis: "Educational Challenges Faced by Mexican American Girls: Identifying Unique Variables Affecting Dropout or Graduation"
What is a skill that you gained through your experiences in the Sociology Honors Program?: The faculty support I've received has been fantastic. Being able to learn from them and get into really breaking down the planning, researching and writing process has been extremely rewarding. It is a skill I know will be used over and over again in the future.
What is your super power?: Persistence & endurance
Karina Lopez
Hometown: Flint, MI
Major/Minor: Sociology major w/ LJSC subplan
Thesis: "Neighborhood Incivilities: Effects of Disorder on Fear of Crime and Social Behavior"
What is a skill that you gained through your experiences in the Sociology Honors Program?: The program has definitely forced me to more efficiently manage my time, and to better self-motivate. Throughout the entire process, but especially in the thesis writing stage you really learn to set deadlines for yourself as use your peers to stay accountable. It's the only way I was able to break up the massive research project into manageable chunks.
What is your super power?: I'm fairly certain I have regeneration powers. I've never tested this theory but I'm pretty confident that if I accidentally cut off a finger, it would grow back.
Dillon Kim
Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI
Major/Minor: Sociology major
Thesis: "The Left Hand of the State: Social Welfare in St. Louis, MO"
What is a skill that you gained through your experiences in the Sociology Honors Program?: Trusting the process and being ok with a project being very different from what I expected.
What is your super power?: I can speak with the data. Some might say I'm a data whisperer.
Chalem Bolton
Hometown: Clawson, MI
Major/Minor: Sociology major
Thesis: "Financial Strategies and Structures: The Financialization of Detroit's Municipal Government 1975-2005"
What is a skill that you gained through your experiences in the Sociology Honors Program?: Definitely organization. Working on a long-term project like this, in addition to other craziness, has forced be to be much more intentional about prioritizing what I have to do each week and breaking down tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces. It's also been really helpful for me in making contacts with people I otherwise wouldn't have gotten in touch with.
What is your super power?: I can read Max Weber without being bored (Durkheim is a stretch though)
Ayesha Mehtotra
Hometown: Brookline, MI
Major/Minor: Sociology major & Sustainability minor
Thesis: "Disease Among Others: The American Media's Portrayal of Immigrant-Linked Communicable Diseases"
What is a skill that you gained through your experiences in the Sociology Honors Program?: Working on my thesis has helped me become better organized. I've learned to create and stick to my own deadlines, seek out help from mentors, and start writing, editing, and rewriting early. It's been a wonderful way to explore a topic that I care about, and become familiar with the process of conducting original research.
What is your super power?: Storytelling
Mary Mitroka
Hometown: Gross Ile, MI
Major/Minor: Sociology major w/ LJSC subplan and a CASC minor
Thesis: "Ballerinas' Perspectives on Dance Culture - A Comparative Study of Current and Former Ballet Dancers"
What is a skill that you gained through your experiences in the Sociology Honors Program?: The program gave me the opportunity to learn how to do research and evaluate the research of others. I have developed time management skills and strategies for self-accountability. An honors thesis requires a student's dedication to working independently on a year and a half long project. So, my advice for those considering the Sociology Honors Program is to select a thesis topic that is not only of relevance to the academic field, but also something they have a personal interest in studying or learning more about.
What is your super power?: The ability to slip classic movie lines into everyday conversation.