- Sociology Major
- Law, Justice, and Social Change Minor & Sub-major
- Sociology of Health and Medicine Minor & Sub-major
- Sociology & Social Work Sub-major
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- Sociology Undergraduate Research Opportunity
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Go to the LSA Course Guide at lsa.umich.edu/cg and select Subject > LSA: Sociology
Introductory / Prerequisite Options:
- SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology or SOC 102 Introduction to Sociology: Special Topics for First-Years and Sophomores
- SOC 300 Sociological Principles and Problems or SOC 302 Health and Society: An Introduction to Sociology (recommended for pre-health students) for Juniors and Seniors
Note that students should only take ONE prerequisite course to declare a major or minor (SOC 100, 102, 300, or 302); no credit will be granted for the second prerequisite course taken.
First-Year Seminar Course: SOC 105 (topics vary)
Required Major Core Courses:
- SOC 210 Statistics for Social Science (also counts as QR1; some sections focus on Data Analysis)
- SOC 305 Sociological Theory (reserved for Soc Majors)
- SOC 310 Sociological Research Methods (reserved for Soc Majors; also counts as ULWR and QR1)
Major electives are any SOC courses at the 200-level or higher (excluding the intro options 300/302 and major core courses 210/305/310). Most electives do not have prerequisites. Note that LJSC, SHM, and SSW each have approved course lists.
- If you are interested in health and medicine... try SOC 473, SOC 474, SOC 475, or SOC 476.
- If you are interested in law and justice... try SOC 270, SOC 354, SOC 368, or SOC 468.
- If you are interested in social work... try SOC 303, SOC 326, SOC 335, SOC 344, or SOC 458.
Special Topics:
- SOC 295 (lower-level; topics vary each term)
- SOC 495 (upper-level; topics vary each term)
Engaged Learning Courses:
- SOC 225 Project Community (sites in Education, Public Health, and Criminal Justice)
- SOC 468 Inside-Out Prison Exchange
Undergraduate Research:
- SOC 394 Sociology Undergraduate Research Opportunity
R&E-approved Courses:
- SOC 303 Race and Ethnic Relations
- SOC 304 American Immigration
Senior Thesis + Honors Program in Sociology:
- SOC 497, SOC 498, and SOC 499 (Soc majors must apply to write a senior thesis)
IGR Courses: SOC 122, SOC 218, SOC 320, SOC 321, SOC 324, and SOC 471
Watch out for IGR courses; they are cross-listed with SOC but are actually owned by the Program on Intergroup Relations.