- Sociology Major
- Law, Justice, and Social Change Minor & Sub-major
- Sociology of Health and Medicine Minor & Sub-major
- Sociology & Social Work Sub-major
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- What can I do with a Sociology degree?
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- Sociology Undergraduate Research Opportunity
- Senior Thesis + Honors Program
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- Releases & Graduation
Writing a thesis through the Sociology Honors Program constituted my first time reaching out to non-student groups and gathering interview data for a long-term research project. It's hard to identify just one skill that I took away from the experience, because the entire journey has been eye-opening. I gained a deeper understanding of academia and the type of work that usually goes into writing publishable research.
The Senior Thesis + Honors Program in Sociology offers students the structure and resources to investigate a social issue they are passionate about with the guidance of a faculty mentor over the course of three terms via SOC 497, SOC 498, and SOC 499. Students may request up to $400 in funding to conduct original research. The research culminates in a written thesis paper and students who meet LSA Honors Program criteria graduate with honors, though graduating with honors is not required to complete the program.
Completion of a senior thesis demonstrates discipline, motivation, and critical thinking skills, as well as strong data collection, analytical, and writing proficiencies to understand and present complex social problems — all assets for which prospective employers and graduate school admissions committees will be looking.
The department hosts an information session on the program in early October each year. Attendees meet the faculty coordinator, hear from current students, and get all of their questions about the program and application answered.
Information Session
Three Course Sequence
Course Planning
Research Funding
Robert Cooley Angell Award
Outside of the academic experience and my progress with the process of conducting qualitative research, I think this program helped me further develop my ability to communicate and engage with others. The skill of coordinating and conducting interviews, as well as handling my interaction with others in the field is valuable and can be applied to many things in my life, both now and into the future.