- Sociology Major
- Law, Justice, and Social Change Minor & Sub-major
- Sociology of Health and Medicine Minor & Sub-major
- Sociology & Social Work Sub-major
- Major of the Month
- What can I do with a Sociology degree?
- Declaring & Advising
- Academic & Registration Policies
- Curriculum Resources
- Project Community
- Sociology Undergraduate Research Opportunity
- Senior Thesis + Honors Program
- Transfer Credit
- Study Abroad
- Funding Resources
- Writing Awards
- Releases & Graduation
If you are a first-semester senior (or two semesters away from degree completion), it is time to initiate graduation procedures to ensure you complete all requirements by your intended graduation date. Carefully read the Graduation Procedures section below for a complete overview of the administrative procedures required for your graduation.
Graduation Procedures
1. Apply for Graduation: All graduating students must apply for graduation online. To apply for graduation, go to Wolverine Access > Student Center > My Academics > Apply for Graduation and follow the prompts. If you experience difficulty with the online application process or if you need to change your date of graduation, please email the LSA Auditing Office at lsa.auditors@umich.edu.
You must apply for graduation before the stated deadline in order for your name to be printed in the University Commencement program, as well as to receive an invitation to the Sociology Graduation. If you plan on graduating in December, apply for graduation by October 15. If you plan on graduating in May or August, apply for graduation by February 15. You can still graduate if you apply after these deadlines, but your name may not appear in the University Commencement program and you may not receive information regarding the department ceremony.
2. Request for your Major/Minor Release(s): A major/minor release allows us to plan ahead for your final term course selection and informs the degree auditing process. A release is required for each LSA major and minor you have declared. Ideally, your release should be requested in the term prior to your graduation term. For example, if you plan on completing your degree in Winter (for May graduation), request for releases in Fall or after your fall schedule has been finalized.
To request for a Sociology major or minor release, please fill out either a MAJOR Release Request or MINOR Release Request form. Upon submission, the Soc department advisor will verify your remaining requirements and submit a release. You will receive an email copy of the release. If there are any concerns or questions, we will contact you by email. If you have questions, please email us at socadvisor@umich.edu or schedule an advising appointment.
3. Review your Official Degree Audit: Your Official Degree Audit will be triggered upon submission of all releases and your online application to graduate. The LSA Auditors review your LSA and distribution requirements, total credits, GPA, and rely on the major/minor releases to audit major/minor requirements. You will receive your Official Degree Audit via email. The email you receive is an official University document—read it carefully and direct any questions to your general LSA advisor.
Your official degree audit should be complete before you register for your final semester. This way, you know your exact remaining requirements and you still have time to make any necessary schedule changes before degree conferral.
4. Sociology Majors Only – RSVP for the Sociology Graduation Reception: Graduating students who have applied for graduation in Wolverine Access and submitted their major release will receive an invitation to the Sociology Graduation Reception. Remember to RSVP and submit your information for the graduating senior slideshow.
Sociology Graduation Ceremony
The Department of Sociology recognizes the importance of graduation for students and families. Each spring, we host a celebration for graduating Sociology majors where they "walk" across the stage. The event is historically in an on-campus building the day before University Commencement. Graduating seniors receive detailed information about the event in the winter term.
This year's event will take place on May 2, 2025 at 3:00pm in the Michigan Union. RSVP and event information can be found on the event site here.