Articles by Recent UM Ph.D's appear in February ASR
The February 2013 edition of the American Sociological Review is full of Michigan! Two recent graduates from our doctoral students have articles appearing.
Alexandra Killewald's (UM Ph.D. 2011, currently Assistant Professor of Sociology at Harvard University) article is called A Reconsideration of the Fatherhood Premium: Marriage, Coresidence, Biology, and Fathers' Wages. In this article she identified that married men who live with their biological children experience a wage gain of about 4 percent, but unmarried residential fathers, nonresidential fathers, and stepfathers do not receive that same wage premium. Married residential fathers also receive no wage premium when their wives work full-time.
UM Professor Sarah Burgard has co-authored an article with Jennifer Ailshire (UM Ph.D. 2009, currently and NIA Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Southern California). Their article is called Gender and Time for Sleep among U.S. Adults. In looking at the American Time Use Surveys of 2003 to 2007, they were able to confirm that at most life course stages, women slept more than men, a perhaps surprising finding given sociological research showing women have more unpaid work and less high-quality leisure time compared with men. Using the survey, they were able to explain that much of the gap is due to work and family responsibilities and gendered time tradeoffs; as such gender differences vary across life course stages.
Great work Michigan!