Congratulations to two of our Political Science majors, Catherine Hadley and Xalma Palomino, for receiving the MLK Jr. Spirit Award! 

The Central Campus Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Spirit Award program honors undergraduate students on central campus who best exemplify the leadership, and extraordinary vision of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Nominees and awardees will be recognized in the Award Ceremony, which will highlight the various ways in which our students have worked to carry on the spirit of Dr. King.


Catherine Hadley

Major: Political Science

College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

Catherine Hadley is a mother of two, a student, a Truman Scholar, and a lifelong activist focused on creating tangible change for the underserved in Michigan. Her activism and advocacy surround maternal health, food stamp expansion, disability justice, and childcare accessibility on and off-campus.

Xalma Palomino

Major: Latina/o Studies and Political Science

College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

Xalma Palomino was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. As a 3rd-year student double majoring in Political Science and Latina/o Studies, her leadership and service centers the Latinx and other minoritized communities, particularly focusing on educational access, representation, and leadership development. Her future plans include attending graduate school to study public policy and returning to Detroit to become involved  in addressing disparities in the rights and political representation of the Latinx community.