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Visiting Instructional Faculty

The College of LSA adheres to the University policies & procedures for visiting faculty. The excerpt below provides an overview of SPG 201.34-1 Classification and Appointment of Instructional Faculty.

To supplement the instructional program at the University, individuals whose ongoing employment responsibilities lie outside the University at another institution of higher education may be appointed as visiting professors, visiting associate professors, visiting assistant professors, visiting instructors, visiting lecturers, visiting clinical professors, visiting clinical associate professors, visiting clinical assistant professors, visiting clinical instructors, or visiting clinical lecturers.

Appointments as visiting instructional faculty are for one year or less, may be extended only under unusual circumstances, and are without tenure. Visiting instructional appointments may be made at any rank but must be consistent with the individual’s professional stature. The school, college, or division will establish appointment criteria for this set of titles.

Appointment Procedures 

LSA Dean's Office prior approval is needed for visiting faculty appointment offers that exceed the approved college funding and offers to continue past the initial one-year period. Memos requesting approval to appoint the visiting faculty member should be addressed to the divisional Associate Dean, accompany the CV of the candidate, and be signed by the department Chair. 

Please include the following information:

  1. Requesting department name;
  2. Requesting faculty member name (with what group/activity will the candidate be associated);
  3. Rank of the position (assistant professor, associate professor or professor);
  4. Justification for the position including benefits to the College that are anticipated or expected as a result of the proposed appointment;
  5. Anticipated start date; and
  6. Duration of the appointment (limited term up to one year);
  7. Percent of effort (workload), anticipated salary, and source of funds.

Requests should be sent to LSA Academic HR ( Emily Haygood or Michael Zakalik will notify the department when the Associate Dean has reviewed and made a recommendation. 

Important Reminders

  • Visiting faculty appointments are for one year or less. If there is a reason to renew the appointment, it is necessary to obtain prior approval from the divisional Associate Dean.
  • In order to be benefits-eligible, the visiting faculty member must have an appointment of 4 months at a minimum AND at least 50% or greater effort.
  • Visiting faculty appointments are typically instructional based and workload/effort should be contemplated accordingly.
