Spanish Language Internship Program Offered in Fall 2014
Teresa Sanchez-Snell is offering RCLang 306.001 (Latino Issues and Current Topics) in Fall 2014.
The Spanish Language Internship Program (SLIP) links Spanish-speaking students with community-based organizations in Washtenaw County to provide unique engaged learning opportunities in the Latino community. Through volunteering activities, students will gain insight into the cultural, political, and socioeconomic issues affecting this group, with opportunities to refine your Spanish. Furthermore, this three credit course is open to all LSA and RC students with an option of continuing their internship a consecutive semester and enrolling in the RCLang 204 section, for one credit. Interested students need to have a three hour block of time, one day per week, available to volunteer on site and a Spanish discussion session takes place on Thursday’s 4 pm-5:30 pm. Transportation is provided for enrolled students. Please visit the website, or contact faculty advisor, Teresa Sanchez-Snell, for additional placement and override information.