Doors at 7:30PM
Cape Verde meeds World/Jazz
"Carmen Souza's voice purrs like kernels of corn swirling on a traditional wooden platter one moment and bursts with a perfect blue note the next," says Rock Paper Scissors. Carmen was born in Lisbon, Portugal, into a Cape Verdean family and grew up speaking Portuguese and Cape Verdean Creole. As a teen she sang in a Portuguese gospel choir until she was discovered by bassist and producer Theo Pas'cal, who introduced her to jazz, fusion, and other contemporary sounds. Carmen wanted to create a new sound, in her ancestors' Creole dialect, that would mix traditional African and Cape Verde rhythms like Batuke, Morna, Cola djon, and others, with her jazz and contemporary influences, in a totally intimate and acoustic vibe, different from the traditional festive environment of Cape Verdean sounds. It's a bewitching mix, and Carmen has become a European sensation. She's making her debut appearance at The Ark this evening.
U-M students: No tickets necessary—the show is free at the door with U-M ID. $20 for non-students.