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Graduate Students

Armen Abkarian
Doctoral Candidate in History
Tugce Akgul
Doctoral Student in Ancient History
Nicole Allora
Doctoral Student in Ancient History
Richard A. Bachmann
Doctoral Candidate in History
1631 Haven Hall
505 E State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Jessie Bakitunda
Doctoral Student in History
Rachael Barrett
Doctoral Student in History and Women and Gender Studies
Christopher Blackmore
Doctoral Candidate in History
Himani Boompally
Doctoral Student in History and Women's and Gender Studies
Zoe Brewerton
Doctoral Student in Ancient History
Amelia Burke
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology and History
Noah Cashian
Doctoral Student in Ancient History
Eimeel Castillo
Doctoral Candidate in History and Women's and Gender Studies; Latin American and Caribbean Studies Certificate Fellow; Museum Studies Certificate Fellow; CRLT Graduate Teaching Fellow
Albert Cavallaro
Doctoral Candidate in History; Museum Studies Certificate Program
Justin Chun-Yin Cheng
Doctoral Student in History
1621 Haven Hall
Felipe Coimbra Moretti
Doctoral Student in Anthropology and History
Francesca Conterno
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology and History
Christopher DeCou
Doctoral Candidate in History
Robert Diaz
Doctoral Candidate in History
Hannah Edwards
Doctoral Candidate in Ancient History
Dora Gao
Doctoral Candidate in Ancient History
Colin Garon
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology and History
Anmol Ghavri
Doctoral Candidate in History
Caspian Goggin
Doctoral Candidate in Ancient History
Lucía González
Doctoral Student in History and Women's and Gender Studies
Allie Goodman
Doctoral Candidate in History
Arighna Gupta
Doctoral Candidate in History
Shireen Ahad Guru
Doctoral Student in History and Women's and Gender Studies
Renny Hahamovitch
Doctoral Candidate in History
Grant Halliday
Doctoral Student in History
Kelly Hannavi
Doctoral Candidate in History and Women's and Gender Studies
Jamie Hein
Doctoral Candidate in History and Women's and Gender Studies
David Helps
PhD in History (2024)
Salman Hussain
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology and History
Islam Jaffal
Doctoral Student in Anthropology and History
Rianna Johnson-Levy
Doctoral Student in History and Women's and Gender Studies
Sierra Jones
Doctoral Candidate in Ancient History
Brittany Joyce
Doctoral Candidate in Ancient History
Alex Jreisat
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology and History
Gunay Kayarlar
Doctoral Candidate in History
Allen Kendall
Doctoral Candidate in Ancient History
Israa Khalifa
Doctoral Student in Anthropology and History
Norah Langat
Doctoral Student in History
Steven Mace
Doctoral Candidate in History
Mix Mann
Doctoral Candidate in History
Gianna May Sanchez
Doctoral Candidate in History
Zhaina Meirkhan
Doctoral Student in History
Markus Merin
Doctoral Candidate in History
Isaac Mier
Doctoral Student in Anthropology and History
Irene Mora
Doctoral Candidate in History and Women’s and Gender Studies
David Mori
Doctoral Student in History
Comfort Tamanda Mtotha
Doctoral Candidate in History
Kai Ngu
Doctoral Student in Anthropology and History
Thaithao Nguyen
Doctoral Candidate in History and Women's and Gender Studies
Shane Niesen
Doctoral Student in History
2637 Haven Hall
Lopaka O'Connor
Doctoral Candidate in History
Talitha Pam
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology and History
Swagat Pani
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology and History
Jennifer Playstead
Doctoral Candidate in History
Kristi Rhead
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology and History
Dima Saad
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology & History
Sangita Saha
PhD in History and Women's and Gender Studies (2024)
Catherine Schenck
Doctoral Candidate in Ancient History
Dennis Simiyu
Doctoral Student in History
Lloyd Simpson
Doctoral Student in History
Lucy Smith
Doctoral Candidate in History and Women's and Gender Studies
Maya Sudarkasa
Doctoral Candidate in History
rukmini swaminathan
Doctoral Student in History
Taylor Tyrell
Doctoral Student in Ancient History
Andrea Valedón Trapote
Doctoral Candidate in History
Daniel Varela Corredor
Doctoral Candidate in Anthropology & History
Alex Votta
Doctoral Student in History and Law
Zoe Waldman
Doctoral Candidate in History
Yizeng Wei
Doctoral Student in History and Women's and Gender Studies
Samuel Winikow
Doctoral Student in History
1641 Haven Hall
Fiona Wu
Doctoral Student in History
Sophie Wunderlich
Doctoral Candidate in History
Stephie Yoon
Doctoral Candidate in History
Omri Zemler
Doctoral Student in History
Jian Zhang
Doctoral Candidate in History
1631 Haven Hall
Yipeng Zhou
Doctoral Student in History