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Student Spotlight

Read about this month’s International Studies Student Spotlight. Students were asked to share an influential experience they had that connected to their International Studies major or minor.

February 2025 - Ella Vick

BA International Studies (International Security, Norms and Cooperation); minors, Law, Justice and Social Change and Creative Writing ‘27

Hometown: Glenview, IL

Affiliations: Central Student Government, Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Survivor Empowerment Commission, Planet Blue, Sigma Kappa, Turn Up Turnout, Michigan Foreign Policy Council

“I have been a voter registration tabler for Turn Up Turnout (TUT) throughout my entire time at Michigan. Through TUT, I provide a diverse range of nonpartisan civic resources, encourage active and informed participation in democracy, and increase voter education and registration to further turnout. My International Studies major and sub-plan vastly enhance my work with TUT by providing a global and theoretical context for democratic engagement. Studying international norms helps me understand the importance of free and fair elections as a foundation for political legitimacy. Studying international security and cooperation highlights how strong democratic institutions contribute to national and international stability. Overall, this area of study strongly emphasizes the crucial nature of civic participation. By bridging theory and practice, the International Studies major strengthens my ability to advocate for civic engagement with TUT.”

Future Plans: “I plan to attend law school in the future and practice as an attorney. I hope to work in human rights law.”