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Program Application Procedures

The Nam Center for Korean Studies Undergraduate Fellows Program seeks to stimulate and support undergraduate students' interest in exploring various topics about Korea. The Fellows Program welcomes any enrolled U-M undergraduate student who is invested in studies on Korea, interested in cultivating the Nam Center Fellows community, and committed to become an active member of the Nam Center for Korean Studies. A few highlights of the fellowship include: gaining experience in conducting research on Korea, participating in preparations for the Korean Studies Undergraduate Exchange Conference, and serving as liaisons between the Nam Center and the campus community.

There are two tracks for fellows: Outreach Fellow and Research Fellow. Both tracks are academic year-long commitments. Please see below for more detailed information on the benefits and requirements of the Nam Center Undergraduate Fellows Program.

Fellows Program benefits

  • Membership in a community of undergraduates committed to Korean Studies and recognition by the Center community.
  • Invitation to special events and meetings with distinguished guests.
  • Academic credit for successful completion (Outreach Fellows: 1 credit in W26; Research Fellows: 4 fourth-year credits, 2 in F25 and W26 each).
  • Competitive advantages for Nam Center funding opportunities.
  • Research Fellows ONLY: Present a paper in the annual Korean Studies Undergraduate Exchange Conference and eligibility for the Top Conference Paper Award.

Fellows Program requirements

  • Fellows must attend 8-10 meetings a term and volunteer for at least two public Nam Center events per semester, including the Chuseok Party. Duties may include, but are not limited to event organizing, event setup & takedown, ushering, photo-taking, and video recording.
  • Outreach Fellows: Complete short (2-3 page) writing assignments in W26.
  • Research Fellows: a 15-page paper on issues related to Korea presented at the Korean Studies Undergraduate Exchange Conference (Mar 2025) will be required in addition to shorter writing assignments in both terms.
  • Outreach Fellows must enroll in KRSTD 290 in W26. Research Fellows must enroll in both KRSTD 471 in F25 and KRSTD 472 in W26.
  • Research Fellows ONLY: Fellows must attend research meetings in addition to the ones required for all Fellows. (Combined with the other meetings required for the program, meetings will occur almost weekly)

The fellowship is conferred upon the fellow’s fulfillment of the fellowship requirements. If the fellow fails to abide by the conditions of the fellowship, the Nam Center has the right to annul the fellowship. 

How to Apply

If you are interested in being a fellow, please complete the online application form no later than midnight, March 24. You will be asked to submit a statement of purpose in the online form and upload your resume.

  1. Statement of Purpose between 250-400 words explaining why you are a good candidate for the UGF Program, including research interests on Korea.
  2. Resume please include your major or intended major, anticipated graduation date, and any Korea-related experience in addition to other work and volunteer experience. Please submit as a PDF file, with a file name that begins with your last name followed by your first name. (e.g. "SMITH_John-2020resume")

For questions or more information, contact:

734.764.1825 |