Rackham Building (4th Floor) 915 E. Washington, Ann Arbor (MI)
Nov 11-12, 2016
Friday November 11, 2016
9:50-10:00 Welcoming Remarks
Nojin Kwak (Nam Center/Department of Communication Studies, University of Michigan)
10:00-10:20 Introduction to the Conference
Hyunjoon Park (Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania)
10:20-12:00 1st Session - Parenthood, Class, and Social Mobility
Eunsil Oh (Department of Sociology, Harvard University) Social Class, Motherhood, and Childrearing: Evidence from South Korea
Caren Freeman (Department of Anthropology, University of Virginia) South Korea’s New Emotion Manager: Mothers at the Crossroads of the Psychological, the Neoliberal and the Divine
So Jin Park (Institute for Social Development Studies, Yonsei University) Qualitative Inquiry of Korean Families and Parents in the Eyes of their Children amidst Family Social Mobility
Discussant: Bonnie Tilland (East Asia International College, Yonsei University)
13:30-15:10 2nd Session - Family and Children's Well-being I
Yean-Ju Lee (Department of Sociology, University of Hawaii) Class, Gender-role Attitudes, and Parenting for Young Children
Hyeyoung Woo (Department of Sociology, Portland State University) Does Marriage Still Matter? Parental Marital Status and Children's Health in Korea
Soo-yong Byun (Department of Education Policy Studies, Pennsylvania State University) Consequences of Educational Assortative Marriage for Children's Academic Achievement in South Korea
Discussant: Paul Chang (Department of Sociology, Harvard University)
15:30-16:40 3rd Session- Family and Children's Well-being II
Haram Jeon (Center for Social Cohesion Education, Korea University) Is Parenting Required Even for College Students? - The Relationship between Living without Parents and Obesity among Young Adults
Hyunjoon Park (Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania) Do Grandparents' Education Matter for Grandchildren's Educational Attainment in Korea?
Discussant: Soo-yong Byun (Department of Education Policy Studies, Pennsylvania State University)
16:40-17:10 Wrap Up Discussion
Saturday November 12, 2016
9:30-11:10 4th Session - Changing Meanings of Family and Gender
Bonnie Tilland (East Asia International College, Yonsei University) Kwinong kwich'on kwihyang ("back-to-the-land") Discourse of Young South Korean Families: Exchanging “Hell Choseon” for Breathing Room (yeoyu)
Irene Yung Park (Underwood International College, Yonsei University) The Changing Face of the Korean Family: Popular Representations of Multi-child Families
Byung Soo Lee (Department of Sociology, University at Buffalo, SUNY) Changes of the Gender Roles of Working Women in Korean Immigrant Families Living in the United States
Discussant: Allison Alexy (Department of Asian Languages and Cultures, University of Michigan)
11:30-12:40 5th Session - Immigration and Family
Aggie Noah (School of Social Transformation, Arizona State University) Parental Divorce and School Dropout among School-Age Children of Multicultural Families in South Korea
Paul Chang (Department of Sociology, Harvard University) Hypergamy or Homogamy? Status Differential and Marital Satisfaction among Marriage Migrants in Korea
Discussant: Hyeyoung Woo (Department of Sociology, Portland State University)
14:00-15:40 6th Session - Demographic and Economic Changes and Family
Jooyeoun Suh (Center for Time Use Research, University of Oxford) Nonstandard Work Hours and Quality of Life in South Korea
Jihye Oh (Department of Sociology, Yonsei University) Delaying? or Accelerating? : The Timing and Possibility of Marriage of Single Men and Women in Korea
Soo-Yeon Yoon (Department of Sociology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Integrating Men's Gender Roles and Fertility Attitudes into the Study of Low Fertility in South Korea
Discussant: Yean-Ju Lee (Department of Sociology, University of Hawaii)
16:00-16:20 Wrapping Up: Overall Discussion