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Korean Cinema NOW: Boomerang Family

Saturday, January 31, 2015
5:00 AM
Michigan Theater, 603 E Liberty St, Ann Arbor, MI

Film director In-mo (Park Hae-il) is a 40-year-old movie director who's been jobless for the past decade after his debut film was a commercial and artistic flop. Mired in poverty and depressed at his wife's affair, he decides to hang himself. But a well-timed call from his mother (Yoon Yeo-jeong) inviting him to dinner results in a change of plans. Instead of killing himself, he decides to move in to his mother's home, where his older brother Han-mo (Yoon Je-moon) also lives. A 44-year-old unemployed ex-gangster with five criminal convictions, Han-mo is not particularly pleased at this development. But more trouble lies ahead: younger sister Mi-yeon (Gong Hyo-jin) arrives with her bratty, rebellious 15-year-old daughter Min-kyung (Jin Ji-hee). 35-year-old Mi-yeon announces that she is leaving her second husband, and that she needs to stay with them for the immediate future. In this way, fate has reunited this dysfunctional and rather quirky family, with their petty conflicts, sibling rivalries and largely unexpressed affection, as they struggle with the challenges of middle age.

2014  |  112 minutes  |  Directed by Song Hae-sung