Below are lesson plans relating to MENA subjects. You will also find a brief description of the lesson plan and its components, such as learning objectives, time benchmarks, accompanying worksheets, and more. If you have anything to add to these resources, or see something missing, please let us know by emailing us at
Grade 5-12 Lesson Plans and Teacher Reflections
Addressing Islamophobia and Bias
- Changing American Teens’ Images of the Arab World by Lori Tritz
- Becoming Critical Readers of History: Exploring and Understanding Bias Towards the Arab World and Islam by Pamela Seuling
- Teaching about Muslims and Islam in the Public School Classroom: A Handbook for Educators by Consortium for Educational Resources on Islamic Studies
- Sacred Sites, Evolving Spaces by Amy Perkins, Lakeshore High School
Arts, Literature, and Culture
- The Tale of Layla and Majnun
- Through the Sands of Time
- Arab Cultural Exploration & Celebration by Jennifer Spence
- Banquet at the Alhambra by Stephen Boyce
- Arts & Technology by Rethinking the Region: New Approaches to 9-12 US Curriculum on the Modern Middle East and North Africa
- Women & Gender by Rethinking the Region: New Approaches to 9-12 US Curriculum on the Modern Middle East and North Africa
- Flint's Water Crisis by Greg Dykhouse, Black River Public School
- How Exile, Community, & Trauma Shape Cultural Identity by Amy Perkins, Lakeshore High School
- Food Stories Are You What You Eat? by Alison Sullivan, Traverse City East Middle School
- Expression of Exile by Colleen Kalisieski, All Saints Catholic School
- Displacement in the Middle East by Gabrielle Popp, Beacon Day Treatment
- Teaching about the Middle East with Comics and Graphic Novels by Kiersten Gawronski, Saline High School
- Kamala Khan-Changing the Face of Comics by David Hale, Wayne Regional Educational Service Agency
- Introduction to Afghanistan Using Scent, Taste, and The Kite Runner by Christine Sloan, Lakeshore High School
- Artistic Expressions from the Middle East, North Africa, and Southeast Asia by Deanna Jones, El Camino Jr. High School
- Fear of the Other: Comparing the Cold War Fears of Communism with Current Anti-Muslim Fear by Megan Cummins, Midland High School
- Palestinian Music and Culture by Sam Ness, Copper Canyon High School
Comparative Government
What role does gender play in the politics and policies of the AP6? by Barbara Gazda, Hartland High School
Conflict, War, and Intervention
- Tying the Knot: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict by Amy Perkins, Lakeshore High School
- War Crimes in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan by Kymberli Wregglesworth, Onaway High School
- U.S. Intervention in Iran and Iraq by Carol Hawke, Robichaud High School
- Teaching about the Middle East with Comics and Graphic Novels by Kiersten Gawronski, Saline High School
- Nationalism and the Armenian Genocide by Ross Newman, Monroe High School
- The Armenian Genocide by Robin Roberts, Frankenmuth High School
- Exploring Gendered Spaces in the Middle East and Southeast Asia by Anthony Zanin, Hutto High School
- Transformational Voices in the Middle East by Sharolyn Stauffer, Star Valley High School
Global Islam
- Islam Across the Globe
- Black Muslims in the United States: An Introductory Activity by Alison Kysia
- Sacred Sites, Evolving Spaces by Amy Perkins, Lakeshore High School
- Belief systems: personal, local, and global focus on Al Andalus by Susan Bertoni, North Farmington High School
History and Geography
- Indian Ocean Travelers in the Medieval Era: Networks of Exchange Across the Hemisphere by Joan Brodsky
- Empire & Nation by Rethinking the Region: New Approaches to 9-12 US Curriculum on the Modern Middle East and North Africa
- Plural Identities by Rethinking the Region: New Approaches to 9-12 US Curriculum on the Modern Middle East and North Africa
- The Crusades: Voices and Perspectives by George McDowell
- Food Stories Are You What You Eat? by Alison Sullivan, Traverse City East Middle School
- How Exile, Community, & Trauma Shape Cultural Identity by Amy Perkins, Lakeshore High School
- Arab-Israeli Conflict Inquiry by Kymberli Wregglesworth, Onaway Secondary School
- The Dynamic Veil over Time: Perspectives in Egyptian History and Contemporary Literature by Amy Frontier, Pioneer High School
- The Armenian Genocide: Remembrance, Denial and the Politics of History by Amy Perkins, Lakeshore High School
- The Scent of History: How the Spice Trade Connected the World by the Center for Education Design, Evaluation and Research at U-M
- Collective Learning: How may it help us address messy situations? Burma/Myanmar and the Rohingya in the 20th and 21st Centuries by Gregory Dykhouse, Black River Public School
- Worldwide Web: Egyptian Cotton Production and the United States Civil War by Abigail Kuhn, Charlotte Middle School
- Islamic Advancements by Bryan Williams, Pritzker College Prep
- Rise of Islam by Jenny Oster, Houghton Lake Community Schools
- Coffee, Tea, or Chocolate by the Center for Education Design, Evaluation and Research at U-M
Multilingual Learners/IEP Accommodated
- Belief systems: personal, local, and global focus on Al Andalus by Susan Bertoni, North Farmington High School
- Scarlett Middle School Border Unit Resources by Wanda Toro-Zambrana, Kimberly Harn, Jeff Kabat, and Evelyn Daugherty, Scarlett Middle School
Movement, Migration, and Diasporas
- Political & Social Movements by Rethinking the Region: New Approaches to 9-12 US Curriculum on the Modern Middle East and North Africa Middle Eastern Diaspora and Religion in Latin America and the Caribbean
- The Middle Eastern American Experience: Living in America by the Arab American National Museum
- Global Intersections: Middle Eastern Diaspora and Religion in Latin America
- How Exile, Community, & Trauma Shape Cultural Identity by Amy Perkins, Lakeshore High School
- Expression of Exile by Colleen Kalisieski, All Saints Catholic School
- Displacement in the Middle East by Gabrielle Popp, Beacon Day Treatment
- Teaching about the Middle East with Comics and Graphic Novels by Kiersten Gawronski, Saline High School
- Diversity in Diaspora by Karen Leland-Libby, Interlochen Arts Academy
- Destination Michigan: A Mini-Unit on Immigration and Cultural Diversity in Michigan by the Center for Education Design, Evaluation and Research at U-M
Nationalism, Identity, and Globalization
- Political Tensions and Identity in a Globalized World by Center for Education Design, Evaluation and Research at U-M
- Race, Ethnicity, and Nationalism across Borders by Center for Education Design, Evaluation and Research at U-M
- Jerusalem & Sacred Sites by Susan Syme, Troy Athens High School
- Belief systems: personal, local, and global focus on Kerala, India by Susan Bertoni, North Farmington High School
- Belief systems: personal, local, and global focus on Al Andalus by Susan Bertoni, North Farmington High School
- Something about Mary: Examining Religious Syncretism Through Global Representations of Mary by Center for Education Design, Evaluation and Research at U-M
Postsecondary Lesson Plans
Movement, Migration, and Diasporas
- Migration: Teaching Palestine and Israel by Layla Goushey, St. Louis Community College
- Climate Change and Migration in the Middle East and North Africa by Mohsen Khani, Sinclair Community College
- Cultural Influences on Communication by Ekaterina Goodroad, Madison Area Technical College
Society and Governance
- Hydrogeography as an Instructional Template for World Regional Geography by Jeff Fesperman, Illinois Valley Community College
- Water Scarcity, Food Security, and Potential Future Conflicts in the Middle East: A Geographic Perspective by Mohsen Khan, Sinclair Community College
- Hydrogeography as an Instructional Template for World Regional Geography by Jeff Fesperman, Illinois Valley Community College
- Water Scarcity, Food Security, and Potential Future Conflicts in the Middle East: A Geographic Perspective by Mohsen Khan, Sinclair Community College