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LACS Teacher Training Workshop

Organized by the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS), these thematic workshops are offered to local K-14 teachers to learn about important topics in Latin America and the Caribbean and integrate new content into their curriculum. SCECH credit available.

2020 Fall Teacher Training Workshop

Race and Public Health in Latin America

4:30-8:30 pm, virtual workshop via Zoom

All registered participants will receive 4 State Continuing Education Clock Hours (SCECHs). Participation is free; registration required:

This event will bring together scholarly presentations and group activities to provide Michigan K-14 teachers with context and resources for teaching about the intersection of race and public health in Latin America.

The workshop will offer activities and resources to help educators foster classroom dialogue about the global impact and historical context for these critically important and contemporary issues. The evening workshop will include four lectures by leaders in the scholarly field of Latin American public health, as well as group discussion, Q and A, and a set of breakout activities designed to foster classroom discussion around a set of images and teaching materials.

Participation is free; registration required »