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Core Courses

The required core courses of the program have two goals. The first is to introduce students to a variety of methods used in the disciplines to explore empirical topics that engage the themes of connectivity, comparison and translation. The second goal is to guide students as they plan, research, and carry out capstone projects, and to provide a lively interdisciplinary intellectual community for students, centering on their projects.

TCS 501

Interdisciplinary Approaches to Transcultural Studies I, is offered in the Winter semester of each year and required of program students in the Winter semester of their fourth year. This three-credit course is intended to help students plan for the engaged, research-oriented portion of their capstone project. Readings and discussions take up interdisciplinary methods for empirically exploring cross-cultural connectivity, comparison and translation.

TCS 502

Interdisciplinary Approaches to Transcultural Studies II, is offered in the Fall semester of every year and is required for program students in the fall of their fifth year. This three-credit seminar guides students as they analyze research data and other results of experiential learning and begin to create a final version of their capstone project. It is intended to continue to develop the intellectual community created in TCS 501, and to give students more opportunities to present and develop their ideas in front of an engaged, challenging audience of peers.

TCS 599

Transcultural Studies Colloquium, a three-credit course offered during the Winter semester, will convene program students once every week during their final semester, so they might present draft versions of their capstone projects. This course is designed to continue and develop the intellectual community created by TCS 501 and TCS 502.