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Imperial Nation Workshop

Thursday, May 12, 2011
4:00 AM

An international collaborative conference hosted by the Slavic and History Departments at the University of Michigan...

View Program (PDF)

Imperial Nation: Tsarist Russia and the Peoples of Empire is the topic of an international collaborative conference hosted by the Slavic and History Departments at the University of Michigan. Four Professors—Olga Maiorova from Slavic, Valarie Kivelson, Douglas Northrop, and Ronald Grigor Suny from History—are organizing an intensive workshop that will provide a forum for scholars from both sides of the Atlantic to discuss core issues of Russian national self-perception. The workshop will focus on empire-building as an overarching framework for Russian national discourses, as well as on the experiences and changing understandings of the peoples of that empire.

Building on pre-circulated papers, the workshop will examine various issues from interdisciplinary perspectives—history, literature, cultural studies, and anthropology—in order to promote an integral approach to the study of Russian and other nationalisms in the context of empire. At a time when the question of empire elicits debates in academia and beyond, this collaborative project seeks to explore it in historical depth, bringing together different analytical traditions and intellectual settings. 

More than twenty scholars, including faculty members and graduate students at the University of Michigan, will deliver their papers at the workshop. More faculty and students are expected to participate in discussions and serve as moderators.