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CREES 50th Anniversary Celebration & Reunion

Saturday, April 2, 2011
4:00 AM
All events will be in the Vandenberg Room at the Michigan League, 911 N. University Ave., unless otherwise noted.

Alumni in Action

9:00-10:00 am
"Looking Ahead: The Future of CREES"
Moderator: Douglas Northrop, CREES director and professor of history and Near Eastern Studies, U-M

10:15 am-12:15 pm
Alumni Panel
Jill Dougherty (Russian BA 1970), foreign affairs correspondent and former Moscow Bureau Chief, CNN
Dianne Beal (REES BA 1979), partner, Galerie Blue Square
Michael MacQueen (Economics BA 1980, REES MA 1983), senior historian, Human Rights Law Division, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Timothy Stubbs (Political Science BA 1982, Law JD 1985, REES MA 1986), partner and head of Russian Banking and Finance, Salans Moscow

5:30 pm
UMS Pre-concert Dinner and Lecture
Logan Skelton, Professor of Piano, U-M School of Music, Theatre & Dance
Location: Rackham Assembly Hall, Fourth Floor, 915 E. Washington
Pre-concert dinner and lecture with concert ticket in the Center Main Floor: $116
For dinner reservation with concert ticket, please call 734.764.8489.

8:00 pm
UMS Concert – St. Petersburg Philharmonic
Featuring music by Rimsky-Korsakov and Rachmaninoff
Yuri Temirkanov, conductor, and Nikolai Lugansky, piano
Location: Hill Auditorium, 825 N. University
Tickets available at all price levels at or 734.764.2538