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Aleksandar Boškovic presents:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
5:00 AM
Room 1636, International Institute/SSWB

Summer Research and Internship Experiences

When Photography Met Poetry:The Yugoslav Avant-Garde and Its Photopoetry Artworks, 1921-1937

Aleksandar Boškovic—PhD Slavic

Recipient: CREES Research, Internship, & Fellowship (CRIF) Program Grant


Interning at the US Embassy in Paris: An Experience in Public Diplomacy

Martha Fedorowicz—BA French/Political Science

Recipient: CES-EUC Summer Research and Internship Grant


Internship and Linguistic Fieldwork in Rural Russia

Bryn Hauk—BA Linguistics/Russian

Recipient: CREES Research, Internship, & Fellowship (CRIF) Program Grant


The Territorial Politics of French Health Care Reform

David Kline Jones—PhD Political Science/Public Health

Recipient: CES-EUC Summer Research and Internship Grant


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