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Interdisciplinary Music Forum

Friday, September 10, 2010
4:00 AM
Osterman Common Room, Institute for the Humanities, 202 South Thayer Street

A Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop that fosters conversation among faculty and graduate students who work with music in their research.

Fall 2010 Semester Events, complete event listing [PDF]

The group includes members from various departments across the humanities, social sciences, and professional schools at the University of Michigan.

This year, we will have several meetings devoted to the presentation of graduate student work in progress. Within the workshop, graduate students will share their current research projects and receive valuable feedback from peers and faculty. Other meetings of the Interdisciplinary Music Forum will complement events sponsored by the University of Michigan Department of Musicology through pre-lecture discussions of readings from the work of invited departmental presenters and the annual student-run Michigan Interdisciplinary Music Society (MIMS) conference. Finally, the Interdisciplinary Music Forum will sponsor faculty-led workshops on this year's theme: “The Materials of Musical Culture.” These will focus on interdisciplinary project development and musicological or music-cultural research.

In addition, we are very pleased to announce that our Fall Residency Speaker will be Professor Richard Leppert from the University of Minnesota. Professor Leppert is respected for his interdisciplinary work in cultural studies, American studies, and musicology. In addition to leading a workshop on the afternoon of November 19th, he will be meeting individually with interested students.

Please see the list of Fall Semester events below. All IMF events (unless otherwise noted) will be held in the Osterman Common Room of the Institute for the Humanities. Times are noted on the schedule. We also provide FREE REFRESHMENTS at our events!