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Rethinking European Urbanism for the 21st Century

Tuesday, December 15, 2009
5:00 AM

A roundtable discussion

Dario Gaggio, CES-EUC director and associate professor of history, U-M

Henco Bekkering, professor and chair of Urban Compositions, TU Delft, and Netherlands Visiting Professor of Urban Planning, U-M
Scott Campbell, associate professor of urban planning, U-M
Lydia Soo, associate professor of architecture, U-M

In the past the European city has influenced much of the development of the American city--what can the American point of view provide for rethinking the future of the European city? This discussion will be based on the reciprocal viewpoints of the participants: a European urban designer from Rotterdam who is currently studying Detroit, and two Americans, an urban planner who studies Berlin and an architectural historian who examines Florence. The panelists use these three cities as prototypes of larger challenges in American and European urban life: reconciling historic preservation with contemporary global redevelopment pressures, the transformation of former industrial cities, the emergence of mega-projects as an economic growth strategy, and the challenge of shrinking cities.

Free and open to the public.
European Union Center at the University of Michigan is a European Commission designated Center of Excellence.

Please check the CES-EUC website and events calendar for late additions, time changes or cancellations. We are on iTunesU, the “Conversations on Europe at U-M” album; on U-M’s YouTube CES-EUC Playlist; and on Facebook.