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LSA Collegiate Chair Inaugural Lecture

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
5:00 AM
Rackham Amphitheatre

presents Professor Ronald G. Suny

"Affective Communities: The Contradictions of National and Soviet Identity in the USSR." Ronald G. Suny, Charles Tilly Collegiate Professor of Social and Political History and professor of history, U-M.

The following lecture abstract has been provided by Professor Suny:
Nations should be considered as much "affective communities" as "imagined communities," and the development of nations in the Soviet Union was a project of created emotional ties both to one's ethnic nation and to the USSR as a whole. The tensions and contradictions between Soviet identity and ethnonational identity were experienced for much of the seventy years of Soviet power and have come down to the post-Soviet nation-states as they pull in one direction toward exclusivist ethnic nationalism and in another to integration into the larger globalized world.

For more information please call 615-6449

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