Detroit Riverfront Conservancy
Talia Clarick’s Work Plan
The Detroit Riverfront Conservancy’s mission is the responsibility for the establishment, improvement, operation, maintenance, security, programming and expansion of the Detroit RiverWalk and associated green spaces. Through its public/private partnerships, the DRFC will supports the development of the riverfront district and facilitates community access to the waterfront.
The Riverfront is expanding on the west side, and one of the main problems I will be addressing is the private development of the West Riverfront, focusing on which areas need a particular amount and type of attention: blighted buildings, open space, etc. Also, I will be addressing their access to reference materials including: the zoning, land use, and condition assessment for the entire riverfront.
1. To find all of the documents and maps that will help the Conservancy prepare for a presentation and meetings with the city leadership.
2. To photograph the western district of the Riverfront in a way that depicts the blighted areas and open spaces clearly.
3. To help plan and work at the various events the conservancy puts on at the Riverfront.
4. To be a resource to bring a different/fresher perspective to social media and the website.
1. To get to know how to research a municipalities website to find the resources necessary for land use planning. Develop the ability to contact people or groups that may aid me in these findings. The information about the riverfront development may not be on the website and may require me to request information from the City Planning Commission Office.
2. To use Google Maps while photographing the West Riverfront while I am assessing the blight and conditions of buildings/land in this district. This way, I can pinpoint the specific locations the photos were taken on a map. As well as develop the ability to assess which structures should be demolished or rehabilitated.
3. To provide suggestions to those in charge of planning events such as the Touch-a-truck, Riverfront Run, Fishing Fest, and others. I will assist the staff at these events and make sure that the attendees leave with a positive experience of the riverfront – acting as an ambassador and advocate for the programs that allow people to experience the waterfront.
4. To assess public materials that the DRFC develops – website, social media, ect., to bring a user perspective for the ease of use, amount of information, content, and visual appeal.
Resources Available:
· Karen Slaughter-DuPerry (my supervisor)
· DRFC Security staff – for riverfront assessment tour
· Other employees around the office
· The City of Detroit website
· The City Planning Commission Staff – Director Todd
· Detroit Future City – framework plan
· Craig and other Semester in Detroit employees
Anticipated constraints/challenges:
· People I am trying to contact being too busy to get back to me with information
· The inadequacies of the current city website for resources
· The many layers of bureaucracy I will have to deal with in obtaining documents
· Adjusting to the earlier time schedule
· I will evaluate myself on the basis of the completion of my goals and objectives in a timely manner.