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Other Opportunities for Engagement

Beyond hosting an intern, there are many ways for community members and partners to engage with the Semester in Detroit program. For example, we host many events at the Cass Corridor Commons, collaborate with the General Baker Institute on the Detroiters Speak community classrooms, and have guest speakers in many of our classes. 

Below are a few examples of opportunities for engagement with our program. We are open to any and all creative ways to work more closely with community partners, so feel free to email us with your ideas!

  • Guest speak in a SiD class
  • Give a themed and/or location-specific tour of the city
  • Host students for a volunteer day
  • Rent your space for SiD events (note: we are perpetually seeking potential new community housing options in addition to the Cass Corridor Commons for our students. If you have a space or know of one, we’d love to talk further with you.)
  • Attend and/or speak at Detroiters Speak sessions

Please note that we are committed to compensating people for the time and/or space they share with our students - if you have any questions about compensation rates, please reach out to us at