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Partners, Friends, + Alumni

Throughout the years, SiD has cultivated a large community with internship partner organizations, over 300 alumni, Detroit-based activists, UM faculty and staff, and beyond. We are grateful and lucky to be in community with all of the aforementioned groups!

While we continue to build out this section of the website to be of the most use to our community, here are some helpful links:

  • If you're curious about who our current partners are, see this page for a list broken down by cateogory. 
  • If you are a current community partner, check out this page for program dates and an overview of internship expectations.
  • If you're interested in exploring other opportunities for engaging with Semester in Detroit, see this page. 

If you are a SiD alum looking for resources, we are working to create pages including recommended reading lists, updates on what other alumni are doing, and opportunities for further engagement with SiD. If you have any ideas to add, email us at or post in the SiD Alumni Facebook group.