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Symposium. “Jewish Modernism in Early 20th-Century Europe: Languages, Trends, Politics.”

Thursday, December 9, 2010
5:00 AM
2022 Thayer Building (Thursday) and Rackham Assembly Hall (Friday).

Sponsors: Frankel Center for Judaic Studies, CREES, Department of Comparative Literature.

Thursday, Dec 9
202 South Thayer Street, Room 2022

4-6 pm: Graduate Students’ Presentations
Alexandra Hoffman, Oren Segal, Orian Zakai, and Sara Feldman

7 pm: Keynote Lecture
Dan Miron, Columbia University
"Comparing Modernisms: The Case of Hebrew and Yiddish"
Respondents: Shachar Pinsker and Mikhail Krutikov, U-M

Friday, Dec. 10
Rackham, Assembly Hall

8:45-9:45 am
Kalman Weiser, York University and Frankel Institute for Advanced Judaic Studies
"Open Doors and Glass Ceilings: Developments in Modern Hebrew and Yiddish Education in Interwar Eastern Europe"
Gennady Estraikh, New York University
"Building Sites of Yiddishism: The Kultur-Lige in Kiev, Warsaw, and Paris"

10-11 am
Harriet Murav, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
"Bergelson, Bergson, and the Materialization of Memory"
Allison Schachter, Vanderbilt University
"The Gendered Address of Jewish Modernism: Dovid Bergelson in Berlin and Dvora Baron in Tel Aviv"

11:15 am-12:15 pm
Na’ama Rokem, University of Chicago and Frankel Institute for Advanced Judaic Studies
"Miriam in Berlin: Berdichevsky's Multilingual Narrative"
Maya Barzilai, U-M
"The Flowers of Shame: Avraham Ben Yitzhak and the Multilingualism of Language Revival"