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CREES Colloquium. “Rosenberg’s Russia.”

Friday, April 9, 2010
4:00 AM
1636 International Institute/SSWB, 1080 S. University

U-M history alumnae Anne Gorsuch, Heather Hogan, Diane Koenker, and Anna Kuxhausen join Francis Blouin, professor of history and information and director, Bentley Historical Library, U-M, to present lectures in tribute to William Rosenberg, U-M professor of history. Sponsors: CREES, Department of History.

William G. Rosenberg, scholar of the Russian Revolution, inspirational teacher, and gifted administrator is retiring at the end of the academic year as the Alfred G. Meyer Collegiate Professor of History at the University of Michigan. During his distinguished career, which has spanned 43 years at U-M, Bill Rosenberg played a key role in making Michigan a premier destination for graduate work in Russian/Soviet history and area studies. Bill also served as AAASS President, CREES Director, and Chair of the U-M Department of History.

Please join us on April 9, 2010 from 3-6 pm, as four of Bill Rosenberg’s former graduate students and a colleague honor his contributions to CREES and the field of Russian history at U-M and across the globe.