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CES-EUC and CREES Student Presentations

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
5:00 AM
1636 International Institute/SSWB

Graduate and undergraduate student presentations on their summer research and internship experiences funded by CES-EUC and CREES. Sponsored by the Center for European Studies-European Union Center and Center for Russian and East European Studies.


Emanuela Grama, PhD student, Anthropology/History
2008 Jean Monnet Fellow
"In the Phoenix Land: Searching for the 'European heritage' in a Transylvanian Village"

Charles Doreian, PhD student, Political Science
2008 Jean Monnet Fellow
"Representation and Voter Defections in EP Elections"

Monica Sendor, BS student, Russian and East European Studies, Psychology
2008 CREES Research, Internship, and Fellowship Program Grantee
"Internship experiences at U.S. Embassies in Sofia and Moscow"

Krista Goff, PhD student, History
2008 CREES Research, Internship, and Fellowship Program Grantee
"Archives, Villages, and Politics: Researching the History of Minorities in the Azerbaijan SSR"