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STEM III: Effective U.S. Strategies for African STEM Collaborations, Capacity Building, and Diaspora Engagement

  1. Conferences and Workshops
    1. STEM V: Innovation and Appropriate Technology in Africa
    2. STEM IV: Africa-US Frontiers in Science
    3. STEM III: Effective U.S. Strategies for African STEM Collaborations, Capacity Building, and Diaspora Engagement

Effective U.S. Strategies for African STEM Collaborations, Capacity Building, and Diaspora Engagement

April 1-4, 2014 | Rackham Amphitheater; Michigan League

Keynote Addresses by Makhtar Diop and Paul Zeleza:

Click "play all" to watch both messages on this list or click "play all + playlist" to see options.

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Poster PDF »     |     Detailed Event Program PDF »          


(For detailed info, download the event program)

Tuesday, April 1 - Rackham Amphitheatre

8:30 AM – Welcome and Opening Keynote Address by Makhtar Diop, Vice President for Africa Region, World Bank  |  Introduction by Ken Kollman, Director, International Institute; Frederick G.L. Huetwell Professor, Political Science, University of Michigan

10:30 AM – STEM-Africa Policy Round Table
ModeratorAnne Petersen, University of Michigan
PanelMakhtar Diop, Vice President for Africa Region, World Bank; Jacques Fame Ndongo, Minister of Higher Education, Republic of Cameroon; Mary Teuw Niane, Minister of Higher Education and Research, Republic of Senegal

1:30 PM –  STEM Capacity Building

3:30 PM – Emerging STEM Centers of Excellence in African Higher Education Institutions

Wednesday, April 2 - Rackham Amphitheatre

8: 30 AM – Biomedical Sciences and Public Health

10:30 AM – Manufacturing, Design, and Innovation

1:30 PM – Environmental Research

3:30 PM – Instrumentation and Infrastructure



Thursday, April 3 - Rackham Amphitheatre & Michigan League

8:30 AM – Keynote Address by Paul Zeleza, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Quinnipiac University  |  Introduction by Kelly Askew, Director, African Studies Center; Associate Professor, Anthropology, Afroamerican, and African Studies, University of Michigan

10:30 AM – Exemplars of African STEM Diasporas in U.S. Higher Education Institutions

1:30 PM – Mathematical Sciences

3:30 PM – Distance Education

Friday, April 4 - Michigan League

8: 30 AM – African STEM Associations and Networks

10:30 AM – Science Diplomacy and African Diasporas

1:30 PM – Institutional Partners for African STEM Diaspora Engagement

3:30 PM – Resources for Engaging U.S. African STEM Diaspora

STEM-Africa 2014 Conference Charter »