- ASC-DAAS Sudarkasa Internship Grant
- ASC-ISR Scholarships for ICPSR Summer School
- Conference Travel Grants
- FLAS Fellowships for Students
- Language Study Scholarships
- Lester P. Monts Award
- Seed Grants for ASC Associates
- Support for Campus Events, Curriculum Enhancement, Partnerships, Public Outreach, Research
- Support for Student Research and Internships in Africa
ASC organizes annual competitions for joint research projects conducted by an ASC associate at the University of Michigan and colleagues based at an African university, aligned with one of ASC’s disciplinary initiatives: African Heritage and Humanities Initiative (AHHI), African Social Research Initiative (ASRI), and STEM-Africa (STEM).
The aim of these grants is to create a framework for U-M scholars to develop relationships with Africa-based scholars. Seed grants will ideally incubate work that can subsequently attract larger amounts of funding.
AHHI – Award Amount: up to $10,000
ASRI – Award Amount: $5,000-10,000
STEM – Award Amount: up to $10,000
Requirement and Application Process
Please complete the online form. When completing the application, you will be asked to provide and upload the following information:
- CVs of the applicant, listed partners, and students proposed for funding (PDF format; 100MB file limit)
- Project Description (2-page maximum; PDF format; 100MB file limit), addressing:
- Context of the work;
- Specific activities proposed for funding;
- Rationale, noting originality and significance of the work;
- Partnerships and collaboration, and expected roles of listed participants at both institutions;
- Plan for continuation of the proposed project.
- Budget (1-page maximum; PDF format; 100MB file limit) and other list of any funding requests under review or planned to be submitted for the same project.
- Timeline (100MB file limit)
Selection Consideration
The ranking of applications will be based on the following criteria:
- U-M based applicants must be ASC associates or interested in becoming one.
- The project deepens collaborative partnerships with the Africa-based counterparts.
- The proposal indicates how the project builds upon existing scholarship while also demonstrating originality and innovation.
- The proposal indicates the kind of deliverable expected as the outcome of the proposed project. Examples of deliverables include, but are not limited to, a publication, a public performance, a white paper outlining future steps toward a goal, and/or a major grant application.
- The scope of work is reasonable for 12 to 18 months.
- The project has the potential for future expansion/scale up.
Ethical Considerations for Human Subjects
All research projects involving human subjects conducted in connection with this seed grant must have written evidence of compliance with required federal guidelines and approval from an institutional review board (IRB). IRB approvals must be maintained and in effect throughout the project’s connection with the program.
Requirements for Funded Proposals
Grant recipients will be required to submit a final report to ASC, along with a short summary of results for the ASC website, no later than 6 months from the end of their funding cycle.
For inquiries, please contact asc-contact@umich.edu.