Student who participate in our Community Engagement programs write reflective posts as part of their class assignments to help them prepare for as well as process their experiences. This content has been reposted from our partner omprakash with student permission. If you are curious about what it’s like to be a student studying abroad and participating in service-learning in Brazil, then you’re in the right place! Continue reading for insight to Faith Stinson's experience abroad.

Community and Identity in the US: The Lounges of UMICH

Pre-Departure, March 4, 2024

As an African American navigating a predominantly white institution, my experience of the world is often shaped by a complex interplay of identity, culture, and societal dynamics. In this environment, I often find myself battling with a sense of visibility and invisibility, simultaneously standing out due to my race while struggling to find spaces where my voice and experiences are truly heard and understood. Despite these obstacles, I also find strength and resilience within my community, creating bonds with fellow students of color who share similar experiences and perspectives. Through these multicultural lounges, we strive to carve out spaces of belonging and enact meaningful change within the institution, fostering a more inclusive and equitable environment for future generations of people of color.

Community and Identity in Brazil: My Commitment to Social Justice

June 1, 2024

My journey to Brazil was a mixture of discomfort and discovery, driven by a desire to transform myself and gain new perspectives. Upon arrival, my excitement shifted to overwhelming fear, underscored by my foreigner status and perceived privilege. In São Paulo, I confronted stereotypes and found comfort in familiar spaces. Experiences ranged from unsettling encounters to moments of profound connection, highlighting Brazil’s deep-seated race and inequality issues. From volunteering at a local school to witnessing the joy of children despite challenges, and finding respite in Paraty’s serene landscape, I grappled with my identity and the harsh realities of racial inequities. This journey, though challenging, deepened my commitment to social justice and cultural understanding.

Arriving in Brazil, I was eager to immerse myself in a new culture, seeking both personal growth and a fresh perspective on life. My initial excitement, however, quickly gave way to a sense of unease as I confronted the realities of my new environment. São Paulo, with its lively streets and diverse population, was my first encounter with the country’s vibrant yet complex social structure. As a foreigner, I was strongly aware of my outsider status. My appearance and perceived privilege often set me apart, leading to a variety of interactions that ranged from curious to wary. This sense of being an outsider was both challenging and eye-opening, forcing me to confront my own ideas on American privileges.

One of the most profound aspects of my experience was dealing with the issues of race and inequality that exist within Brazilian society. I saw firsthand the contrasts between wealth and poverty, often existing side by side. Volunteering at a local school brought these disparities into focus. The children, despite facing significant hardships, radiated a joy and resilience that was both inspiring and heartbreaking. Their smiles, laughter, and determination to learn were evidence of a person's ability to thrive even in the most challenging circumstances. This experience at the school was a turning point for me. It not only highlighted the inequalities present but also underscored the importance of education and support in breaking the cycle of poverty. The bonds I formed with the students and staff were deeply meaningful, providing a sense of connection that I had been seeking throughout my time in Brazil.
Throughout this program, I encountered a range of emotions, from fear and uncertainty to joy and fulfillment. Each interaction and experience contributed to a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me. I grappled with questions of identity, privilege, and social justice, often finding more questions than answers. However, it was this very process of questioning that led to significant personal growth. The journey was not without its challenges. Yet, it was through these challenges that taught me the importance of empathy, cultural understanding, and the ongoing fight for social justice.