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Whether you are just starting to consider a global experience or already have a program in mind, the CGIS advising team is here to help! Explore the different ways we can provide advising assistance below:

Different Factors to Consider:

We encourage you to consider what's most important to you when choosing a program. Identifying these key objectives not only helps you identify the program that is best for you, but also can help you create SMART (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) goals to make the most of your experience abroad!

Ready to Meet an Advisor?

Now that you've read through the "Read Me First!" section and you've determined that you're ready to meet with an Intercultural Programs Advisor, please use the link below. Please utilize the country and region catagories to the best of your ability. If you're still not sure, schedule a general appointment and explain what you hope to discuss.

Ben advises for the following:

  • Asia: China, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand
  • Australia
  • GCC: Japan
  • GCC: South Africa
  • Jordan
  • Morocco
  • South Africa (UCT)

Callie advises for the following:

  • Czech Republic
  • GCC: Denmark
  • GCC: Prague/Vienna
  • Scandinavia: Denmark + Sweden
  • STEM research programs: Hungary, Ireland, Spain and the UK

Cierra advises for the following:

  • Africa: Ghana + Rwanda
  • English-speaking programs in Spain: Barcelona + Madrid
  • Environment programs
  • GCC: Tanzania
  • GIEU: Africa

Eli advises for the following:

  • Asia: South Korea, Singapore, Kazakhstan
  • GCC: Rome
  • Europe: Italy, Ireland
  • International Internships with SageCorps

Ellyse advises for the following:

  • GIEU: Brazil
  • GCC: London
  • Madagascar
  • Multi-Country
  • Public Health: South Africa
  • Switzerland
  • UK

Juliana advises for the following:

  • Latin/South America: Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Brazil, Dominican Republic
  • GCC: Brazil
  • Spanish Language programs (including Spanish in Spain)
  • International Internships with CEA CAPA

Rachel advises for the following:

  • General questions about International Internships

Will advises for the following:

  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • GCC: Paris
  • Netherlands
  • International Internships with IES Abroad