Proposals for GCC are not currently being accepted for review at this time!

Annual Deadline for Proposals: February 15th

Global Course Connections (GCC) programs are 3-4 week-long extensions of courses taught on campus during winter term.

  • LSA Faculty may propose GCCs from any academic discipline.
  • LSA Faculty who teach GCCs deliver original academic content that bridges classroom and experiential learning.
  • This is a great option for LSA Faculty to teach special topics abroad that can provide students enriching academic learning opportunities while also creating engaging global experiences.
  • Selected proposals will receive a minimum grant of $10,000 to help support program costs. Depending on program length and location, programs might qualify for additional funding.
  • Faculty will be compensated per LSA's Term III policy for the international component of the course (2 credits).

If your proposal is accepted, CGIS makes logistical arrangements, helps coordinate responses to any medical issue that may arrive, and more (complete list of services provided by CGIS available here), all so that you can focus on teaching abroad—we take care of the rest! 

*Please note that special approval may be required for faculty members with both staff and instructional appointments who wish to lead a GCC. Faculty who fit this criteria should speak with their immediate supervisor and CGIS before submitting a proposal.