Alina is a Program in the Environment and Economics major! She studied abroad in 2024 on the SFS Panama: Tropical Island Biodiversity Studies program.

Don't Forget To Pack: Thin pants (protect from bugs), extra sunscreen, ear buds, cheap flip flops/sandals to wear around campus, dry bag, backpack for hiking, a journal

Best Left At Home: waterproof notebook, hiking boots, clothes you can't machine wash/dry

Best Eats in the Area: Bocas sandwich shop, Leafeaters

Favorite Local Activity: Scuba diving with Panama dive! Or hanging out at Bambuda downtown

Where to Study: Amaranto coffee shop, Cat in the Cup, Pipas beach, the loft on SFS campus

Must-Try Local Dish: The classic fish sandwich at leafeaters, empanadas on isla popa

Best Photo Op: Underwater during scuba diving or by the giant trees on Solarte

Your Biggest Fail: Not laying out in the sun more

Buy This: Bocas bracelets, potholders from street shops

Not That: Sunscreen and bugspray in Bocas stores

Most Interesting Class: Environmental Governance Development and Conservation

Best Part of the Program: The close knitted family students form!

Unforgettable Weekend Trips: Swimming bioluminescence under the stars, Bambuda on Isla Solarte

Bonus Pro Tip/s: Take lots of time to journal and read!


Our 3-Minute Travel Guide series is inspired by the University of California's Education Abroad Program's (UCEAP) blog.