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FIELD STUDY OPPORTUNITIES: CELL Program Study Abroad Application is Now Open for Spring Through Fall 2015 ...

Wednesday, December 31, 2014
5:00 AM
Various Locations

Join us for an unforgettable study abroad experience and the adventure of a lifetime while learning how to live sustainably.

Go beyond traditional study abroad programs. Be a part of local and global solutions to environmental, social, and economic problems. Experience some of the world’s most inspiring examples of community sustainability from organizations like Heifer International. Learn experientially and through service learning opportunities that integrate classroom knowledge with real-world applications.

The world has great need of people who not only understand what sustainability is all about, but who are committed to making a difference in the world. The world has a great need of people like you.

Head on over to for more information, or take a look at this video to hear how CELL Alums define sustainability.