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Callie Chappell (Biology, '16) received the Chris Psujek award for the best honors thesis: Effects of elevated CO2 on population dynamics of the milkweed-oleander aphid, Aphis neri, mediated by changing plant chemistry in Asclepias spp. She is pictured here with her faculty mentor, Dr. Mark Hunter.
Program in Biology Travel Grants:
[Applications open all year: Click to APPLY]
The Program in Biology is pleased to offer travel awards to undergraduates attending scientific meetings to present their research. All current undergraduates conducting research with faculty in the departments of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology (EEB) or Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB) are eligible for these one-time grants with a standard issue amount of $250 (some may fund up to $500) to cover the costs of attending the meeting. Student applicants may also request reimbursement for poster printing up to $100. [Please note that students who have graduated are no longer eligible for this funding.]
Program in Biology Scholarships and Research Funding:
[Applications open annually on or around Feb. 1]
K.L. Jones Award
Since 1977, this award has been given to outstanding plant sciences undergraduates. The Kenneth L. Jones Undergraduate Award for excellence in botany was endowed by colleagues, friends, and alumni upon the retirement of Professor Jones and consists principally of a sum to enable the recipient to purchase books or equipment of his or her own choice. [Apply.]
J.T. Slater Award
Since 1983, this award has been given to systematic and/or field botanists from among upper-division students. Awards are made on the basis of excellence in classes as well as fieldwork. The award was financed by Professor Slater of the University of Puget Sound, expert in field studies of northwestern ferns. Awardees may be in any school at the University of Michigan, so long as individuals selected excel in the targeted fields. [Apply.]
Underwood-Alger Scholarship
This scholarship program is based on merit and intended to provide support for students majoring in the biological sciences. For this program, special consideration is given to applicants who are female and have financial need. A gift from Dr. Nelda E. Alger provides funding for this scholarship. [Apply.]
MCDB/Neuro. Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship
Summer fellowships of $2000 each are available for students doing research in an MCDB or Neuroscience faculty lab for 20 hours per week during the spring and/or summer. Any student working in an MCDB or Neuroscience lab is eligible, but some preference will be given to those working on a project for honors and to those with financial need. [Apply.]
Elliott-Wedgewood International Studies Scholarship
Scholarships are available based on a 2009 endowment from U-M '61 alum. Dr. Paul Elliott to support research and related overseas travel for Program in Biology students. Funds are available to students conducting research abroad in a structured (U-M or other) program. Preference will be given to students with financial need. Scholarship amounts will vary based on need and availability. Applicants should submit a proposed budget. [Apply]
Maxwell E. Britton Herbarium Scholarship
This endowment is to grant scholarship awards by the University of Michigan Herbarium to undergraduate or graduate students majoring in fields related to environmental studies, biology or conservation. [Apply]
MCDB Horizons Summer Research Internship
Undergraduate students with an interest in biology will have an opportunity to experience scientific research first-hand by joining a research laboratory group in MCDB this summer. No previous research experience is required. Students will participate directly in a research project, as part of a team of scientists, learning new ideas and skills fundamental to biological science. Student interns are expected to commit to a full-time schedule, which could include one spring-summer class, and in addition to their research project will include programmatic activities designed to introduce them to
career opportunities in science. Eligibility (one or more of the following): (1) come from an educational, cultural or geographic background that is underrepresented in the scientific field of biology; (2) have experienced financial hardship as a result of family economic circumstances; or (3) are the first generation in their family to attend a four-year college. [Apply]
Memorial Awards:
Christine Psujek Memorial Award
The Program in Biology has established a gift fund, in honor of Chris Psujek, who was highly valued part of the Biology Department and EEB and MCDB from 1982 to 2010. The Christine Psujek Memorial Undergraduate Award is presented annually to the graduating senior who submits the best Honors thesis in any of the biology majors. Donations may be made by contacting the MCDB administrative office (1127 Kraus Building) or making a gift online.
Anne Rudo Memorial Award
The award is designated for a student with dual interests in the disciplines of biology and psychology, and superior academic achievement. Information is available in the Psychology Undergraduate Office, 1343 East Hall.
Honors Program Awards:
Goldstein Prizes for Honors Seniors
Joseph and Ellen Goldstein of Washington D.C. have provided a generous gift to recognize outstanding students who are graduating with Honors. Nine prizes range across the academic divisions of the college and also recognize achievement or potential in the fine arts, public service, teaching, and humanitarianism. Each prize is named for a distinguished Michigan alumnus, alumna or faculty member associated with endeavors across the intellectual breadth of the College. [For additional info. & Nominations]
Additional Information Regarding Awards Listed Above
Please note that all awards are credited to student accounts through Wolverine Access. If your account is already fully covered by financial aid (grants, scholarships, loans), the award may reduce the balance of your loans or other aid. Occasionally, awards are credited without proper adjustments, resulting in an improper check or deposit to the student. If this happens, you may be asked by Student Financial Services to return the full amount.