Grades are entered online (via Wolverine Access > Faculty Business > Faculty Center > ) by the assigned instructors (note that staff cannot enter grades).
Final grade submission for a term begins after the grade rosters have been generated. Grade rosters for full term classes are generated on the last day of classes for the term. Classes that meet less than the full term (first half, second half and mini) will have their grade rosters generated on the Friday of the week the class ends.
After grade rosters are generated for a class, instructors enter and submit student grades. Grades are due 72 hours after the final exam is given or 72 hours from the due date of the work submitted by the student(s) if there is no final exam. Please see the Faculty Handbook for additional information on grading and deadlines.
Many questions can be answered by reviewing the Registrar's Office Web Grades information page or the Job Aid and Software Demonstrations for grades.
Three common questions:
Q: I'm changing an Incomplete ("I") to an official grade, but my entry won't save!
A: Once entered as an Incomplete, the grade must always have the "I" in front (i.e., if the work warrants an "A," the entry must be "IA"). This will impact the student's GPA as an "A" normally would, but maintains the "Incomplete" record.
Q: I need to resolve an issue with a student, but I'm entering all grades now, should I enter an "NR"?
A: NR (or "No Report") is entered only for students who stopped attending before the end of the term (whenever an Incomplete is not an option). If the issue will be resolved in the next few days it is acceptable to wait to enter grades for the moment.
Q: I need to change a student's grade, is there a form for this?
A: Grade changes are made online. A grade change how-to guide can be found here.