The Program in Biology coordinates the hiring of all GSI positions for the Biology, EEB, and MCDB courses that require teaching assistance.
GSIs are hired for fall, winter, spring, and summer terms, and the applications open twice per year (in October for winter, in mid-February for fall, spring, and summer).
Spring, Summer, & Fall 2025 Graduate Student Instructor Application
Graduate Student Instructor Position Description
Graduate Student Instructor Performance Policy
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What is the time frame for placement? When will I find out if I received a position?
A: Applications are open for 3-4 weeks. After this time, faculty and staff work together to make offers. Most offers are made within 30 days of the application priority deadline.; however, the appointment process is rolling (as graduate student commitments and undergraduate enrollments change) and is generally complete by the first day of classes. Applicants will be notified once all positions have been filled.
Q: I am a graduate student in an outside unit (i.e., not MCDB or EEB), can I apply for a position?
A: Yes! Biology hires many outside-unit GSIs (30% - 50% on average during the Fall and Winter terms); however, preference is given to in-unit students when making initial placements.
Q: I was employed as a GSI last term, do I need to complete the application again to be considered for future terms?
A: Yes. Application data will be needed to make hiring decisions and facilitate the appointment process, as courses and appointments shift from term to term.
Q: How do I find out more about the rights and responsibilities of GSIs?
A: Review the Graduate Employees' Organization (GEO) contract! Note: The 2023 contract has not yet been made available.
Q: I applied for a GSI position but I have received alternate funding (or am otherwise unable to teach), what should I do?
A: Inform the Program in Biology immediately! It is very important that the program fill these positions. Poor communication (i.e., late withdrawal) may adversely impact your chances of being hired at a later date as well as disrupt/delay the hiring process for other applicants.
Q: I received an email indicating I have been matched with a position! What do I do next?
A: You will need to check in with the Undergraduate Office to complete your hiring paperwork! Forms are completed electronically, but you may also ask questions about paperwork in-person with a visit to our office (2200 BSB).