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World By Charlie: Charlie Engelman's Museum Adventure, from iPhone Cinematographer to National Geographic Explorer...

Friday, November 14, 2014
5:00 AM
Museum of Art, Helmut Stern Auditorium

World By Charlie: Charlie Engelman’s Museum Adventure, from iPhone Cinematographer to National Geographic Explorer

Charles Engelman, Undergraduate (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Major / Museum Studies Minor)

In May 2013 Charlie Engelman arrived at the historic DuPont family estate in Winterthur, Delaware to begin his summer as a horticultural intern. Exploring the grounds on his first day, he found a frog. This was a spectacular frog. Charlie didn’t know it at the time, but this frog would change everything. It would star in his first YouTube video, which blossomed into a YouTube series. More videos about honeybees and pond slime balls evolved into an honors thesis. Then came videos on birding, flesh eating beetles, squirrels, and an offer for a sponsored YouTube show. Next came deadlines, subscribers, news articles, an application, and a $50,000 grant from National Geographic Television.

Charlie is a U of M senior, passionate about integrating all of his interests into spectacularly fun projects. His story is a mash-up of science, performing arts, production, and museums. During this event, you will hear how it all happened. He’ll share his experiences with video editing, science writing, pitching YouTube shows, the world’s largest tic-tac-toe board, and how this all relates to museums. You will also get a sneak peek into his upcoming film series with National Geographic Television, and learn how to make some pretty epically creative pancakes. Please join us. It’s going to be an absolute blast.

Friday, November 14 at 12:00 pm, UM Museum of Art Helmut Stern Auditorium