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EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: National Park Service is hiring Biological Science Techs... Apply by:

Monday, February 10, 2014
5:00 AM
Porter, IN

GS-5 technicians will work as part of field crews under the direction of the national lakeshore’s Natural Resources Program Manager with guidance from lead field technicians.  Field work will consist of habitat management activities associated with invasive plant control and/or restoring disturbed natural areas.  Work will include using tools and operating equipment such as hand saws, loppers, pruners, sprayers, chainsaws, and/or brushcutters to control invasive plants.  Other activities may include collecting and installing seeds and plants, as well as installing and maintaining fencing and signs using shovels, post drivers, posthole diggers, drills, and other hand tools.  These positions require application of herbicides for vegetation control, carrying 40 pounds of tools and equipment, strenuous manual labor, working primarily outdoors under a variety of weather conditions, exposure to poisonous plants, and exposure to biting and stinging insects.  Technicians will also collect data related to the work completed, and map work sites using Global Positioning System Units.

For more information regarding this position & application procedures please visit: